Michael Nagle

Tatum's character literally says why they didn't just gang up. They weren't taking any chances with Russell's character cause of his reputation and his sister's safety. Then they had to completely change things once they realized Jackson and Goggins came which is a big wrench in their plans.

So I found this to be Tarantino's best. Wonderful script, great characters, and a killer score to boot. He has brought the best out of everyone in this film and I am SO happy to see Kurt Russell in a major role again. Also, you get reminded that Samuel L. Jackson is a marvelous actor when he gets great roles. (He's

It will be a cold day in a figurative hell that Axel Rose will be able to commit to such a long schedule. I can see him stick to A venue like this Coachella thing. But to ask of him to move around the country. No chance.

Read up on the real thing. That shit was hectic but uplifting considering the circumstances.

Well I know it's a feature on editing software like Premiere for things like this. It's very recent too so it doesn't surprise me.

It's movies like this that make people think Will Ferrell isn't funny. The dude is hilarious but he'll pick garbage like this or GET HARD for a paycheck.

Absolutely is this an amazing documentary as I mentioned in the Best Films of 2015 thread.

I enjoyed this immensely. It was a lot of fun which was a word we haven't said about a Star Wars movie in almost two decades. It does a lot of comedy and nods to the past, but hey what can you do? Although the coincidences and lucky breaks were a bit much even for a franchise like this. But I think Abrams got this off

It has to be otherwise it makes the impression that Han thinks Rey is an idiot.

A highly underrated episode and one of Swartzwelder's best. He actually tells a story here which, at this point with his Simpsons career, was getting rarer and rarer.

I could see Bertie turn Thack 2.0.

I did not do an extensive trip like him but I did go from Jersey to Los Angeles in one week by car. It was fascinating but also incredibly boring, You'd be amazed how similar and how empty this country actually is. I'd love to do it again now that I am more prepared on what to expect.

No I saw it on Netflix. But I am down for the DVD; can't get enough of cheesy trailers.

You better believe it!

I'll throw in a documentary I found to be pretty damn entertaining.

I think they will definitely cover those next year. I cannot imagine why they wouldn't since they were easily some of the worst flops of the year.

I look forward to The Flophouse covering this sometime 2016.

Calling it right here:

I'm not much of a fan of Stern but that quote of his "pleading" QT's had me laughing.

Do you think when Jason Lee signed up for Scientology and they promised a better future that THIS is what they had in mind?