Michael Nagle

I'm fine with Lewis's wardrobe cause I think he dresses sharp.

Oh they most certainly are.

Different opinions at AV CLUB

They really have a terrible announce crew at MNF. Now I hate, hate, HATE Phil Simms but at least his counterpart in Jim Nantz can make good calls. The MNF crew are so terrible and have so little chemistry I am shocked they haven't been replaced. But people must love Gruden cause he is everywhere with ads on and off

He hasn't done much I would say as 'good' in a while.

I always think of this as a Swartzwelder episode because is sounds a lot like him. But it's an Ian episode which always surprises me.

No Oogieloves?

As sad as it is I can totally believe his political views are hurting him. Most people who watch late night are majority higher than the 18-34 demo. Even if a good chunk of his Report followers are on this most are probably people trying him out to see if the Letterman fans can tolerate him.

I like how Jackson was overworked and probably not into making this series in the first place.

Meanwhile the AFC South is showing its terribleness by having 3 teams with losing records in a fight for first place. If I wasn't a Texans fan I'd be embarrassed…Well I mean I AM. But any shot is better than nothing.

"Ha ha ha….Get ready to die a horrible death in 5 years"-Judge

Yeah I don't see Gosling as a Rambo type.

I actually didn't mind the Jets color Rush unis too much. I liked the shade of it unlike the Bills who, after rolling around for a quarter, was starting to resemble as the 1970s Denver Broncos.

I mean they got a pretty fucking good actor here for a change. It doesn't make me wanna watch the show mind you. But hey, this show might actually improve with a role like this.

People probably will complain it won't be the original cast or even the Mike/Bill era. But I'm down for a new iteration of this. So much shit that has come out since the original left and so many they never got to cover. Let's get a new generation on this bad boy.

Having recently gone to a Chargers game in Qualcomm I can safely say it is the worst stadium experience I ever had. Only one way in and out when driving so I had to park 2miles away from the stadium. Then, having missed half of the first quarter already, I had to wait in an incredibly long line just to get in the

I don't understand Jeb.

I'm loving how Vietnam is the reason why the cops are not bullshitting around this season. There was no sense of urgency with Odenkirk's character because he never got involved with danger what so ever. But these guys in 1970s Fargo has seen some terrible shit (Danson's character went through equal shit with Korea).

I am of the mindset that Joe Buck and Troy Aikman are really good announcers. Yeah, they might be bias with certain teams but that's any announcer at this point. (Everybody sucks Giants and Cowboys dick so Aikman having a huge bias for Dallas doesn't shock me.) I find Buck and Aikman to be informative and entertaining

Oh fuck that moment in Rugrats and fuck it hard.