Michael Nagle

This looks way too dark and grim for a Fantastic Four movie. It also has this 'copy and past' vibe to the origin with any other origin, superhero movie. I just want a fun movie with these characters or at least have a Jonathan Hickman level of fun where there's some darkness but the overall tone is crazy science. This

Saw two movies this weekend:

One of the hardest I've ever heard my Dad laugh is the ending of this episode.

It's a shame that Sarah Snook will probably not get recognized come next award season. She is such a revelation in this that I'm shocked I never heard of her until this film. In general this was a pretty solid, B-level sci-fi flick. The time travel was handled real well and the production design overall was great.

I'm not knocking John DiMaggio because he is a treasure and we should all be fans of his work. But is anyone else STILL annoyed John Goodman didn't stay as Robot Santa? I mean, again, DiMaggio does a good job taking over but whenever I see this first XMas episode I always think what might have been.

I'm not an uber fan of Simon Pegg (but I love his movies) but good for him. He clearly loves Trek and considering I find him to be the best part of these reboots I can see this working out. First Draft involves Scotty taking over the Enterprise? Maybe not..

Cue the inevitable article in the future where FOX News comments how "horrible" their lord and master is depicted.

Yeah it is surprising to say but it is totally a good movie. Again if you are a parent it is perfect for a kid. Also, it is British as hell which is kinda nice.

Went and saw PADDINGTON on Saturday and was pleasantly surprised how great it was. It was heartfelt, had some good jokes (if slightly dated), and the visuals were top notch. Considering the garbage that was shown for previews before this film this might be the best option you can show to kids for a long time this year.

I am shocked at how enjoyable this was. This is a perfect movie for kids because it doesn't involve bright colors assaulting your eyeballs or characters screaming as their base levels. It's a heartfelt story with redeemable characters with a slight, heightened reality. I thought the performances were great, with

My favorite quote comes from a season 10 episode "Homer Simpsons in: Kidney Trouble" which is one of John Swartzwelder's best scripts period. The line is:

Yeah it sucks that SELMA didn't get a lot of nominations. It's puzzling considering the two things people talk about with the movie is David Oyelowo's performance and Ava DuVernay's direction. Honestly I bet 12 YEARS A SLAVE has something to do with it. Two years in a row where a major film discusses African American

Out of the list I say Apu has had the biggest growth out of anyone. He has fleshed out the most from his (let's face it) stereotypical origins and now he's:

I was so not prepared for Transparent, Jane the Virgin, and Grand Budapest Hotel to win such big awards (for their categories that is). I only heard how good Jane the Virgin was but now I'm intrigued to see how it is since the lead actress got the award. Same goes for Transparent because not only is it an award for a

I mean there isn't anything wrong with making Supergirl be part crime procedural. But I forgot this was going to be on CBS so it's gonna be tame and probably only be enjoyable to senior citizens.

My favorite part of that explosion in the elevator is that we never see how Liam gets out of it. Just a quick (hundred) cuts to the next scene and somehow he is fine. Yet later on they feel the need to show a flashback on how he got out of the SECOND explosion. Forgot to mention it in my initial review but good lord

I don't recall any film character having TWO character traits to show off nervousness before. I laughed when the rubber bands came out.

This movie probably has the worst editing and directing I've seen in a major release in quite some time. Now a days an action film is cut on movement rather than letting a scene breath. But Taken 3 takes it to new, ridiculous levels by doubling every single shot so you fucking get what is going on. Ignatiy is not

I'm shocked that this might actually be a good film. Most of the time when Ethan Hawke is in a non-Linklater movie it is God awful. But I'm happy to hear that most of the critical reception is good.

I hate judging anything by trailers because you can get burned in so many ways. It could look bad but then it will wind up being amazing. Or vice versa where the trailers are amazing but the final product is shit.