Michael Nagle

Without reading this article I just imagine the person literally jumping on top of the teacher before he (or she) hits play on the boombox.

Gotta admit that while I am a fan of the Flophouse, the most recent episode wasn't all that funny to me. It was a solid episode but the whole Julie Andrews run got old real fast. I mean they did the comedy trick of repeating it so much that it starts to get funny again. But in general the discussion of the film was

He always seemed like a cool dude and while his style of reporting wasn't always the best (in my eyes anyways) he was a big focal point on why ESPN rose the way they did. It is such a shame he succumbed to such a freak version of cancer and my heart goes out to his family.

I'm not a huge fan of this franchise but the original movie is still a treat in terms of animation. But I will say this sounds like perfect casting cause I can see Johansson play a no-nonsense military leader.

For NBC: They hit a goldmine and some Editor knew it months ago when they started cobbling this together.

If you are watching CNN that means shit literally is going down the toilet.

This movie wasn't "bad" it was just boring. They through every horror trope you can think of and maybe a record for most jump scares. For everything they get right though like the costumes or making it feel like an authentic, WWII setting it gets wrong with the writing and overall production design. I didn't like the

To steal from Ignaty one of my first resolutions is to 'watch more and write more'. In 2013 I saw one new movie in theaters and did a review of it. Last year I barely saw thirty new films and reviewed only a handful. So now I want to retry and see at least fifty-two films in theaters or at least 52 new films.

This is super depressing considering she voices three characters in cartoons that help shaped my childhood. She was an actress with such a distinctive voice so you knew who she was at any given time. She retired a long time ago so her absence was already felt about ten years ago. She will be missed and now I must go

Honestly I want to see this movie for a variety of reasons.

I could see the Guardians of the Galaxy teaming up with the Inhumans. People are Marvel say GOTG isn't teaming up with Avengers anytime soon so Inhumans would make the most sense. (If they stay in space that is.)

If this movie knows it is crazy and/or stupid then we could be in for a lot of fun. If not….well either way THE FLOP HOUSE will probably cover it which will be entertaining.

Saw INTO THE WOODS on Friday. Not a bad movie but not the best musical either. All I know is that Meryl Streep will probably get, and deserve, a Best Supporting Actress Oscar nomination as the Witch. Literally comes in with a bang and never stops being amazing by her final number.

While I thought this to be much more enjoyable than Chicago, there were a lot of issues with this for me. For one thing this movie doesn't go the extra step with the bleak tone. I mean there are character deaths and the third act is pretty grim. But we don't see anything too awful and because of that certain scenes

Not a huge fan of Kevin Hart or the Director's previous work if I'm honest.

Glad to know that WE HATE MOVIES is going to get a lot more love next year. The 'making fun of bad movies' genre is definitely overcrowded at the moment. But the guys at WHM really hit the zeitgeist of what makes a funny podcast. Great anecdotes, observations, and hilarious impersonations make it just as hilarious as

Just the Daniel Craig films and one of Brosnan's….THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH I believe.

I have been listening to a lot of JAMES BONDING. Considering I've only seen about three James Bond movies you would think this would not be entertaining to me. But I like Matt Mira and Matt Gormley and each episode is a lot of fun. I particularly like when Gormley brings up the alternate song that was going to be used

While I don't have a system like this article sorts out, I do have a bunch of characters that have stuck with me this year. In no particular order:

I'm going to miss him. He was a different kind of host because he just didn't give a shit. I mean we know he loved this job but you could just tell at any given time he put his hands behind his head (figuratively) and let it go. It is why his run felt so real because almost anything could happen because all of it was