Michael Nagle

Well this blows….

Whenever I hear "Story by" I like to re-imagine it as:

I've never seen a movie to totally calm a group of children down than THE NUT JOB. Seriously, those kids in the theater I saw it in were obnoxious as hell but then 20mins into the movie they were mostly asleep.

Honestly Captain Phillips is the only thing I can think of that goes along with this question. It was a decent movie right until Tom Hanks literally breaks down in the end. The moment the stand off ends and he weeps uncontrollably might be the most emotional I've gotten with a film since Big Fish. I understand why

I can understand this being two films. One can be the outbreak and the initial developments of the world/characters after the fact. Then the next film can be all about the two sides warring against each other. But four films? Even with a massive book like The Stand I can't see how you can spread that much. Then again

A Fishful of Dollars probably has one of the worst third acts in the show's history. It is very clumsily written and the guest star in Pamela Anderson sadly isn't funny. It's got a ton of great jokes for the first two acts, and the final shot of Zoidberg teases what will be the future of this character. But man the

I guess The Walking Dead is the reason for such the odd time slot. It makes sense since, even with Breaking Bad fervor, TWD will get more ratings by miles. Still….Mondays at 10pm? That just screams "DVR" for me.

Nothing says "lighter" like seeing a group of women lose their husbands through violence and then trying to finish the job….

The Minority Report sounded better. Even if the focus wasn't going to be solely on minorities the idea of news for the 'underdogs' sounded better with that title than 'The Nightly Show'.

I'm sure a mini-thread has developed for it already but THE FLOPHOUSE had a pretty funny episode covering Robocop. Dan was so sick and yet it was the most energetic he's ever been, Stuart was talking crazier than usual, and Elliott was still Elliott.

Clue is such an amazing movie. Now I wanna go watch that instead of seeing this season that will inevitably disappoint me.

Went and saw NIGHTCRAWLER on Friday. A solid movie although the story itself is not original. I've seen this "the media is bad" kind of message and Rene Russo's character has been depicted in much better avenues. The real draw is indeed Jake Gyllenhaal beause of his intensity. The dude does not let up from the very

LOCKE was a very good film although one thing bugged me.

"Stopover" was the first episode of Twilight Zone I've ever seen and it freaked me out. I never knew what this show was as a kid so when I first saw it I didn't know how to describe it to anyone. Now, looking back on it twenty years later, it is kinda silly that I was ever scared of this. Although the idea of being in

"Those could be anyone's thoughts fat ass"

Oh god, that "Got Any Milk" monologue was so fucking good. I'm sure that the showrunners decided to keep Emerson around beforehand but if not that monologue had to seal the deal. To this day it is one of my favorite monologues in a show for the performance and just how fucked up it is.

It doesn't matter if this is the worse script in the history of film. This will make ALL the money because of these two on top of the bill. Seriously, I might even see this cause I gotta imagine they can riff off each other and elevate what will most likely be mediocre material.

Listen, I'm fine when comic book films take a big detour (stage left even) when it comes to adaptations. In contrast to this news I have no issue whatsoever that Johnny Storm is going to be African American. That's a big leap to take and with Michael B. Jordan as Johnny it will definitely work out.

Who the fuck is going to watch this? It would be like giving Alfred his own film in the Batman universe. I mean yeah, he's a great character but there is a reason he is considered a "SECONDARY" character. Seriously Sony, just give the rights to Marvel Studios, move on, and not embarrass yourself any further.

Honestly good for him. Most filmmakers, especially those who are some of the top A level material, stick around way too long. They don't realize that their magic is pretty much gone and hurt their reputation at the twilight of their career. QT has had nothing but incredible films and hopefully these last three (if