Michael Nagle

There is no reason why Captain Marvel shouldn't have a more light-hearted tone. Maybe not the batshit craziness of the 1940s-1950s but still something fun to watch. Geoff Johns tried to make the origin a little more gritty but it still had a playfulness to it, albeit more modern. If we get even something like his run

I'm looking forward to this more than the Family Guy crossover. When I see previews for that one I feel depressed because it is two shows who have completely lost touch with their fanbase and aren't even close to their golden eras. But Futurama, throughout it's tumultuous history, always seems fresh and even the

I'm fine with an "Anti-Hero" version of Black Adam. I think the Marvel family (refuse to call them the Shazam family for legal reasons) doesn't need to have any villain that's dark or a total creep. I think Dwayne will be able to make this character work and, if anything, it's a bit of a surprise for WB to land

If it was a Lars Von Trier HGTV program I'd totally be down for it.

Wow. This sounds like an amazing issue and a fantastic way to end this incredible run. I have all of the Palmiotti/Gray trades before it was renamed. I must admit I dropped off from All-Star Western because it was trying too hard to have one narrative going and not be the good old days of one-and-done storytelling.

This is still one of my favorite season finales for a series. It was tense, had a ton of cool moments, and it help lead to what is one of my favorite openings in a series ever. But I'll talk more about that once we get to the Season 2 premiere.

Lost in La Mancha and Queen of Versailles are fantastic docs because the subject matter changes without warning. The former because it is hardbreaking to see Gilliam lose control over everything and the latter because those rich assholes had it coming.

I honestly don't understand this mindset, if true. None of the Marvel movies are deemed 'gritty' and even with serious threats they manage to be lively and have some fun to them. DC Comics in general seems to be going into this dark and gritty route which is pissing me off to no end. Most, if not all, their comics are

This was such a boring night of television. I think Seth Meyers is a funny guy but more as a writer than a performance (hence I barely lasted one episode of his talk show). He looked scared, his material was super weak, and he got upstaged by other (funnier) men like Gervias and Kimmel. The rest of the show? Fairly

Nobody wants this.

Honestly I just don't care. While comics have gotten slightly better in their representation of women the idea of pinup/cheesecake covers will always be with the industry in some capacity. While her ass in that position is egregious and embarrassing for a fan like myself, it isn't even close to the worst cover I've

Despite all the leaks of the script I have no idea what this movie is about except for the basic log line summary. I'm down for another QT Western especially if it is a concept of seeing only 8 people in one room together (ala 12 Angry Men). That could give us one hell of a script if it is good enough.

It's a cute idea for sure but at this point I don't want a "cute" ending for such a long running franchise. If this show ended at the halfway point (season 12-13) like it mercifully should have I would have bought it. I wouldn't be surprised if the series ended with a regular episode or the reverse with an hour long,

I'm hoping Refn has a project lined up soon. (Too lazy to check IMDB so my apologies) He is one of the few people that I look forward to seeing their movie.

Shame to hear that this movie, across the board by critics, is pretty underwhelming. Sin City was such a great film and I found it to be underrated for what it was at the time. But man if this is gonna be more proof that Frank Miller really needs to just stop I'll be depressed. Speaking of depressing Frank Miller: Is

Oh we do not speak bad of Reboot. Yes, the show is horribly outdated now a days but god damn it was a fun show. That Evil Dead parody episode was fun and then that time jump made the show something else.

I missed the last article so let me say that Boone's death did shock me in the initial viewing. I didn't expect it to happen because I never saw a show that was so willing to kill characters off until now. The fallout in this episode was perfectly captured in my eyes. We get Locke answering for what happened, a great

I am not a fan of the comic but I must admit they got a pretty good cast right now. Interested to see how it all looks when we see some footage.

At first I was sort of against him playing Captain Marvel because he didn't seem to fit the mold. Until I realize that he would be perfect since his kid movies (terrible or average at best) showcase how he can fit the origin story. He always seems to have this child-like, seemingly awed personality when it comes to

I like Coldplay and not all of their songs sound downbeat….But they don't fit the NFL audience considering who has played the Halftime show before. So that leaves us with Rihanna and Katy Perry and….Sigh….I just don't care. Either choice will be a typical performance from them.