Michael Nagle

It's a shame that Marvel has pushed to get a movie out seemingly every other month at this point. Cause they could just easily scrap this again and just wait another couple of years to get it back into top shape. Instead they have to rush to refill in a Director, a set of writers, and now will have to recast three

Ah, two episodes that focuses on 4 characters I could never care about during the history of the show. Especially Walt who, I'm sure it has been covered in the comments, became so ill defined because the actor aged too quickly, was quickly discarded once they realized they couldn't do much with him. That "epilogue" we

If the tone will be in the vein of No Country for Old Men and/or A Serious Man then I expect a pretty bleak season ahead. But I really loved Lou in his supporting role and seeing his early days could give us just as good of a story as the first season. We'll see once we get closer to the Fall.

I feel like the 60s were a time where nonfiction writing was starting to get better. In terms of research and a lack of bias I mean. I mean both of those can still not occur in today's work but it seems like we have hit a sweet spot on History books based on all subjects. For Custer I bet this was still a time where

This has been such a poor year, I think anyways, so far in film. Doesn't look like it'll get any better until October with some releases peppered throughout until then. I feel like at this time last year I was much more excited at what was coming out and the summer had much more to offer.

Not terrible casting but….Gotta say it is a step down from Harrelson and McConaughey.

I do find it weird that Spielberg is smiling when you think of the context of this photo. This is a dinosaur in the movie that is dying a slow, painful death.

Looking at the list I honestly don't have a problem with any of the nominees. I could go into a rant on why I find shows like Big Bang Theory totally overrated….But they have been nominated so many times it isn't like I should be surprised at this point.

What I love about this Batgirl announcement is how non-sexist and energetic it is. Everyone involved in the book on Twitter are just so happy and seem genuinely excited to work on Batgirl. But what I love the most is how Batgirl looks like a normal, teenage superhero. There is nothing sexy about her costume (although

So we're gonna find out this was created for a future episode of 'Nathan For You' right?

Ah Rousseau. A character that was really interesting in her debut but slowly started to get lame as the seasons went on. By the time we get to her ultimate fate (avoiding spoilers) I was so disappointed because she became an afterthought. At least it helped started what made Sayid so interesting as a character. Like I

I've read At the Mountains of Madness and I am not sure how it becomes a R kind of film. Most of the horror comes from tone or mood and there is very little violence. What is there I can imagine it being a PG-13 type of gore because it isn't like you see people get torn in half or anything; only the aftermath.

Not sure why this is UK only cause I would love to do this. It make for a nice conversation starter on a resume.

Oh no. Now he's in the black at $14,990. That's way too low!

Okay if the dude is at $45,000 he is going to have to donate some of that to charity. Either that or he's gonna keep all of it which I would applaud the balls to do so.

1) I hope The Flophouse covers this on a future podcast.

There's not a single screenshot of this movie involving Joel McHale's character that doesn't make me laugh.

I'm liking the running gag of this arc of Rogers really not liking time travel. Also, Hickman seems to have some sort of endgame with The Richards cause he was integral to his FF run and Nathaniel Richards also plays a big part in his SHIELD book.

Charlie's episodes were always rough for me because his flashbacks were so damn sad. Once Desmond got involved into his story line I was able to enjoy his stories for whatever reason. Until the writers got REALLY bleak with Locke it was Charlie that probably had the worse of it and it was hard to watch. The opposite

First Alfred and not Commissioner Gordon. Man, my childhood is shaking to the core now that two, key voice actors from one of my all time favorite shows are gone. I cannot read a Batman comic that involves either character without hearing those two. Especially Hastings because his voice always seemed perfect for