Michael Nagle

Honestly I am happy with how the fifth season ended. Not perfect by any means but it brought the show back to a consistent quality and it finished its mission with 'saving' the school. I know people want Six Seasons and a Movie but I don't see what more can be told to get us to that point now.

I gotta imagine the show was just not meeting the standards to ship out on a regular basis. Probably in the long run killing this before it airs will save FOX more money than trying to salvage it. At least it gives the AV writers a good idea for an Inventory list for next week: "TV Shows cancelled before they aired".

This is an episode where I didn't find much to appreciate about until I was much older. When I was younger I thought it was pretty boring as Grandpa was not one of my favorite characters and at the time anything war related was dull. Now though I love this episode because the animation is absolutely fantastic and

Unfortunately I did not get this but I will definitely go back and give it a shot. Since it wasn't written by Hickman I assumed it wasn't integral to the overall story of his. I guess I was right but seeing these pages make me disappointing I didn't stick with it. Marco Rudy is a very underrated artist and he has

I definitely recommend that Genghis Kahn book because it taught me all about the man I barely knew anything about. (Funny with that kind of logic) I never realize that for all the bloodbath his empire caused he was actually (mostly) a mild mannered kind of man. Then again his childhood was so exciting and violent I

I completely forgot about the 'Adam & Eve' reveals in both this episode and what we got into the final season. We'll get to that episode in a future (much later) date but to summarize that was a bullshit explanation from start to finish.

This makes me feel so sad and also so depressingly old. Oskar was such a funny character and he help write some of my all time favorite episodes of Hey Arnold. He will be sorely missed.

In the long run this means absolutely nothing.

This show was so appalling to watch especially considering the superior, British original. The editing was poor, the footage seemed to consistent of very little but reaction shots that was used for constant reuse, the acting was atrocious as it was the most faked situations I've witnessed, and quite frankly it made me

I'm surprised the notion of making this a spin-off into a separate series never came into fruition. It's a popular show and clearly the fans like seeing the characters that don't have the last name of 'Simpson'. But maybe it would have been too much work for everyone involved to work on two shows at the same time.

Both sound uber delicious especially the Lazy Sunday. One step away from diabetes here I come!

Walkabout winds up being one of my all time favorite episodes of this series, if not the top three, because of Quinn's performance. This was the start of what is the saddest character in Television history and Quinn provides so much of the pathetic and anger to his role. I was totally not prepared for the reveal of

I'm excited for this. The older Weird Al gets the more solid his albums are. Straight Outta Lynwood is probably my favorite of his only because it has the most successful hit rate involving all the songs in an album. Not saying his older work is bad, but there are certainly some stinkers for every 'Amish Paradise' or

Erik if you are interested I just recently found the official guidebook for the Knoxville's World Fair. For some reason my Grandfather had the book in his house and he allowed me to have it during a yard sale. It is as amazing as you can imagine in all of it's Southern 80s glory.

Well if they go with the bearded, one armed Aquaman then I can sort of see it. But why go that route so soon with the character?

The Shatner had a funny observation when he was on the Nerdist podcast when asked about this episode. Basically he was setting up for a shot and he looked out the window to see the man in the monster suit. He looks at the thing and thinks: "Wait a second…"

I just….I don't see it. Not because Momoa has been the character for Game of Thrones for years but his other credits as an actor doesn't fill me with confidence either. Aquaman isn't a beefy, macho dude and I'm worried that's all he is gonna be in this JLA universe. I know I need to hold judgments until I see proof of

Looks insane but for all the right reasons.

Yes because we all know TMZ are known to bow down to pressure and respect people's privacy.

A buddy cop/team up film involving Flash and Green Lantern might be really cool. If they get the right actors involved and a solid writer I could see that being highly entertaining.