Michael Nagle

Well with Kirkman seemingly not coming even close to having an end point for the comics it doesn't surprise me the show could stay for years to come. As long as people continue to watch it and not realize its massive shortcomings it could be up there with The Simpsons in longevity. Which is kinda cool but mostly scary

I remember watching this as a lark. The commercials leading up the premiere intrigued me and the moment the pilot started we (my sister and mother) knew we were going to be hooked for a long time. Little did we know it would lead to a long six seasons filled with twists, turns, and a lot of bullshit to get to the end.

It's funny how I never thought about how brilliant casting this could be until it was just announced. Seriously, D'Onofrio is a fantastic actor and I expect him to deliver a great performance.

Out of the three options presented I much prefer Tom Hardy. I am tired of seeing Cumberbatch everywhere and Leto is just a strong 'No'. But my friends have been pushing for Oded Fehr and while I must admit he wasn't my first choice I honestly think he would be great for it! But since this is Marvel Studios they have

Honestly this is one of my all time favorite episodes and I feel it deserves to be a Top 5 candidate overall. There are so many great lines in this, wonderful performances by Phil Hartman & Julie Kavner, and what is (arguably I'm sure) the greatest moment in the history of the series. Planet of the Apes: The Musical

Seeing Watterson draw robots attacking once again just made me squeek with joy.

I don't know what is more disappointing:

Ben Templesmith, while certainly a talented artist, is a prick. All he does is bitch about politics on Twitter and it makes me think he takes more time doing that than drawing comics. The dude has been involved with a ton of series with delays (Fell, Choker, and Ten Grand) and I gotta imagine he just refuses to work

I had no idea this team was leaving after only six issues. I get Ellis because, like the review starts off, he doesn't stay long in any mainstream work. He has mentioned he does it for the money and then he goes right back to Image or anywhere else to do his work. But no Shalvey or Bellaire? That's just terrible.

I hope he's okay cause that is a shitty way to go. In general I imagined he was going to injure and/or kill himself in the most bizarre way possible because he's Tracey Morgan. But I'm sure he's gonna pull through.

I get why they hired Derrickson in terms of his tone for films. But in my opinion his films are not that great and they are like, C-level horror films at best. If this was the age of VHS-only releases he would probably be the king at those kind of releases. I wanna stay optimistic but with this coming out and the

The Wachowskis are like M. Night Shymalan to me. They had one major hit and have gotten steadily worse as time moves on. Granted M. Night has probably done much, much worse if you compare the two. I have no desire to see this film and now that it is pushed back for seven freaking months I can't imagine it's gonna be a

You would think Mandela's death would, sadly, make this film get more attention. I'm sure there is a study or correlation that might prove that.

His entire run about A.A. and how silly it is to not use your full name is one of the funniest bits I've ever heard. This is such a slow burn of a stand up but once he gets rolling it is hard to NOT laugh.

I cannot wait for The Flophouse to do an episode for this film.

When I think of Thanos the voice of Brolin does not even come close to mind. Don't wanna be like 'Dis sux lmao' or be an internet troll though so I won't fully judge till I see GOTG.

The idea of her absorbing Kitty's (totally unexplained) power to keep Logan going would have been great! Would it really have killed them to keep that in? Not like we needed to see Sunspot scream and die twice.

I was very disappointed by this episode. I feel Malvo was uncharacteristically sloppy in this with him doing his murders in broad daylight. At least he finds a good way to cover his tracks but in this he's the fucking Terminator. (Doesn't help that the one, cool idea with the show following the mob massacre outside is

Marvel, or some executive, must have really pissed him off. Cause this has been his baby for eight years and to just quit outright doesn't sound like something he would do unless provoked.

I guess I give him a bit of credit for admitting it. I mean he seems to have gotten lucky to film in some beautiful locations for such awful material. Honestly, if I was in his shoes early on and realized I could do films anywhere in the world, I'd be the same way.