Michael Nagle

He looks like a guy who's gonna reveal us some magicians secrets.

Say that I'm wrong or naive but when I rewatch all of my DVDs of this show I still find myself thinking the Oakley/Weinstein era is the best. Their goal of making the stories go back to the family was a success and even the sillier episodes (like Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming or 22 Short Films About Springfield) are

MAD WORLD is one of my all time favorite films (2nd actually) and I am stoked that it got a Criterion edition. With new footage no less! I think they tend to overprice their DVDs but I am willing to fork over a few extra bucks to get a better quality DVD for this.

Well that blows. I was looking forward to seeing another Western by him. Especially with Dern and Waltz together in some capacity. Hopefully his next film can incorporate them as well.

This is not only one of my all time favorite episodes, but it is also one of John Swartzwelder's best. Almost every scene has a crazy, unexplained line or moment that is pure Swartzweldian (thank you David Mirkin) that no one other person could come up with. Painting horses to look like cows, the craziness of Mickey

Did anyone else find it funny how much screen time the Dodge Charger got? I know with a title like 'Ride Along' we'd see a lot of a car. But the way Tim Story films the thing you'd think it would get a third billing in the credits. Seriously. I think the thing got more screen time than 95% of the supporting cast!

Apart from Tom Hanks not getting a nom for CAPTAIN PHILLIPS (which was a bummer cause the last 20mins alone in that film deserves a recognition) none of these surprise me. In fact I can understand Hanks not being nominated cause I couldn't see any of the five being replaced. So I think it shows how strong of a year it

I'm a bit bias cause I am a major Kubrick fanatic but THE KILLING is up there as one of my favorites of his. It might not be the most complicated or impressive film in terms of technique but it has a great story and he got a great performance out of everyone. Especially from Sterling Hayden who just exudes machismo.

Pretty shoddy year in terms of how the awards were presented. As the article mentioned there was a bunch of gaffs, technical flaws, and the like that makes it look amateurish. It's a shame cause this is a great year of TV/Film and you wouldn't know it with such poor quality in the way everything was presented.

I feel like Marvel movies are now turning into The Simpsons in that the older generation of actors want in on what's popular. I'm sure people like Glenn Close, Robert Redford, and now Michael Douglas have no idea or just have vague terms of what they're signing up for. But kids love these guys (or will if Ant Man/GOTG

At this rate it looks like DC/WB is gonna just dominate Television rather than Film which is probably the right idea for now. There is no way, no matter how good any film they can make, could even try and go past the juggernaut that is Marvel/Disney. Arrow is getting rave reviews and there is a chance it can make

I know it is only the first, full week of January but it is gonna be hard for this to NOT be the worst film of 2014. Horrible acting, laughable CGI, and just takes a piss all over the real myth. With a treasure trove of stories involving Hercules I don't understand why they went for a generic action story.

Every time I see the headlines for this story I keep thinking:

Interesting how the subject of the Holocaust disturbs film directors. Apparently Stanley Kubrick wanted to do a movie on the Holocaust and spent many years researching it (as he normally did with anything). He got so wound up on the history of the Holocaust and concentration camps that he went into a depressive state.

Definitely agree that the Production Design was the best part about The Conjuring. Since the house is basically a character itself they really had to pull off the creepy vibe and they do it so well. The one, continuous shot where we go from the front door to back is one of the best ways to showcase a layout in a film.

I've heard the name pop up a bunch of times but never knew who he was or what media qualifies him as a 'critic'. But man he gives a terrible name to legit film critics. I'm sort of a noob when it comes to writing reviews but I know I never wanna turn into THAT guy. At least I hope I'm not.

I still have no idea if I want to see this and I'm a comic book guy! I just don't see how a concept like GOTG could work for the big screen….cause a talking raccoon and tree just isn't the best of sells and yet it got Marvel/Disney to run with it. That and I hate James Gunn with his mindset on how comic book fans are.

I was very much bored by this. Just another typical 'found footage' horror movie with nothing really to jump on to. Also, the stereotyping was pretty damn insulting and I was counting so much of it in the first ten minutes alone. When the movie goes into tying to the other films, which I must admit I haven't gone

I agree with everything about this review. The first episode wasn't as funny because it was Harmon basically resetting everything after the horrible fourth season. But there were still some good lines and overall it was a solid episode in general. But man was the next episode on fire! Some hilarious stuff involving

Sucks to see so much leaving the service since there are some really good things here. But the thing is I've seen most (if not all) of these so it doesn't bother me that they're going away. Although I'm just confused why they can't keep them in general or extend contracts at least. With SNL I understand since Amazon