Michael Nagle

I got into a huge, Harvey Pekar binge this year and bought all of his American Splendor work. They are riveting comic books and, despite most of them taking place in the 1970s/80s, are timeless. My absolute favorite is the one where he is worried about denting a co-workers car and then suddenly it turns into a

As a man who has (and occasionally still) suffered from Depression I sure hope someone close to Donald is looking into this. You don't just spout, or in this case write, your feelings like this and not sense something is wrong. Last thing we need is a young and talented performer like him to get away from us because

Good idea for a movie with these two. I loved Talladega Nights and Step Brothers had its moments. Although by that logic this movie will be bad because the quality drop of the last two….

Vanilla Ice Goes Amish is the best parody The Simpsons has ever made…..

Funny how the more the writers decided to keep looking into the future for The Simpsons the worst the episodes got. Yet they never really sullied what is an amazing episode by Greg Daniels. I think it fits his entire career as it has a bevy of silly gags but it has an amazing, sentimental core to it all. Homer talking

I'm sorry but:

Bruce Willis is a strange man. He clearly has energy, can be funny at times, and will go for broke when it calls for it (see Boy Dance Party and the Centaur Vodka). Yet he is so low key now a days and it really showed in some of the sketches. But he was a solid host and while not every sketch worked (sums up every

This is going to be one of those instances where the commercials will never get old. They might get old and annoying for some, but not for me.

By some of the cast and other writers. Also, H.W. was not a fan at the time but he has gotten around to saying he thought it was funny.

Lovitz also makes a joke at Groening on how much he 'loved' the crossover episode. Which Groening responds with he'll talk about it on that episode's commentary….which he never did.

Poor Ken Keeler. He got the worst run ever as a writer during his stay on The Simpsons. 'A Star is Burns' was his first assignment and it was mired in controversy. Then his next full episode, 'Two Bad Neighbors' was not a huge hit with the other writers and cast (as said in the commentary). Finally he is credited with

I don't think today's generation knows just how amazing of an actress Madeline Kahn was. She was involved with so many classic comedies and a lot of them have to do with her performance. Her work with Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder always provided with a good movie and also she is a riot as Ms. White in CLUE. Also she

I agree with the writing in that the characterizations is a bit lame. It's basically Bullock and Clooney playing themselves or at least their generic type of character. But this movie is absolutely gorgeous so it's hard to really complain about any shortcomings. Seriously I was so awed in what was put on screen

Yeah I agree that the script is really the issue of the movie. Although it doesn't hurt my overall views of the movie because I think this was always meant to be a visual first with story a distant second. I'm not a huge fan of Sandra Bullock so I was a bit weary going into this. Some of her monologues, especially


I am down for anything Terry Crews wants to do. Although I don't think The Thing or Colossus is the right role for him. Not because he's black; just because I don't see him pulling those characters off cause there's more to them then being the muscle of their particular group. That and I guess it is hard for me not to

Damon Wayans Jr. was hilarious on Happy Endings and having that show cancelled made it a crying shame he was out of a job. He is the only Wayans family member that is actually funny now a days. Hopefully this show is gonna funny cause the man could use a nice, leading man role.

See, I think if Blomkamp wants to go back to his indie roots than he shouldn't be relying on big name actors. I know having Jackman would give the film a better box office but I think one of the problems of Elysium was having a big name actor. (Well technically two, but Jodie Foster's accent negates her presence.) Now

If they have a good character in mind for a spin-off I'm down for it. But based on Rob Riggle's character? Not interested.

One of my favorite jokes ever is Homer appearing out of the window, slamming a plate over his head, and screaming 'WRONG'. Don't know why but it is a great non-sequitor that kind of sums up Homer as a character.