Michael Nagle

This was a very solid start for the new season. B/B+ is the way I would go. Even for the sketches that didn't quite work; like the old timey used car ad or the lame stand up comedian; they were good ideas that at least had energy to not be droll to watch. I'm liking the new cast members and some of them have some

Yeah this felt more like a video game or direct to DVD feature than a true sequel. I gotta give the animators credit though: This movie is an orgy of color and wonderful designs. The food puns get old mighty quick but the ecosystem invented here is impressive. Even if the story isn't as funny the animators can enhance

This show hasn't missed a beat. Lots of great stuff and I love how this show can make even the stupidest thing heartwarming. Also, love the names of the two stores that they had to go into today. 'Bed, Bath, & Between' is pretty good.

Wow, a parody of the movie FREAKS. Honestly that's a pretty good idea for a Treehouse segment. I haven't watched the show in a super long time, but I might watch this year's Halloween episode to see that.

I gave up by the first commercial break. The acting is ungodly wooden and they play up their stereotypes way too much. To me this felt like watching a play with an inexperienced cast rather than a polished, well crafted ensemble. Maybe it'll get better overtime but I just couldn't find myself caring to stick through

This show has potential especially with Carlin and Covey. Those two have good chemistry and bring about some of the funniest moments both together and apart. The problem though, as I feared when seeing the trailers, was that it relies too heavily on 'OMG, it's the 80s!'. The show is dated enough as it is but pointing

I don't know. This show was just 'off' and it felt sloppy in a lot of ways. Definitely in regards to the acting as, except for a few standouts, it was really bad. I don't care for any of the characters so far and Coulson can only do so much. I like how they are using the Movieverse to keep it all connected. Although

Award wise it was a good show. Surprised at so many damn upsets but it makes me wanna go out and try these shows that won. A show like VEEP always sounded good but now with it winning those two awards for acting I know I need to give it a shot.

It's a weird coincidence but I was at a tailgate last weekend and somehow was drinking a Foster's. I've never seen a can up close and I was shocked on how big it really is. So all day I was just remembering lines from this episode. Specifically the sadness of Homer ordering the 'big' beer and Marge trying to order a

That's the one thing that always bothered me early on with Monty Python. Because they always referred to locations, or people, or even events during the 1970s I had no idea what the joke was. The crowd always seemed to love it when it was recorded but now some of the sketches do date badly because they aren't timeless.

Is it just me or is Pixar really starting to slip a bit?

Always a good sign when a writer has to come in and save a script….Then again it probably happens so much in Hollywood now a days, and not be mentioned, so I guess it isn't a shock.

Just another fabulous episode by John Swartzwelder. Again this season, and season 10, showcases his finest work.

The 'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington' picture might be my favorite. All I can hear is James Stewart saying this and it makes me laugh.

Yeah I really liked them in the first movie because the set up was they weren't really good. Or that they were going for a con since one of their main tools, as you said, was a viewmaster. So when it was revealed that they were legit it made for some nice moments in the film.

I just could not get into this like the first INSIDIOUS. The first movie was a big surprise for me because I wasn't expecting such a good, well paced horror movie. Wan's next movie, THE CONJURING, was not very scary (to me anyways) but it had some gorgeous cinematography and you could see Wan was really coming into

I'm still catching up on the show (just starting Season 4 on Netflix) but Saul is my favorite character. He's funny and has been the most consistent character in my opinion. I'm down for this spinoff if it is good. But if Gilligan has some hand in on this then I expect it will be.

Hooray! I was wondering when he was coming back! I was afraid the show just dropped him for absolutely no reason. Now with his success hosting the Daily Show I'm sure they were willing to find him back into the series.

Well name me a couple. I have a pretty good knack of remembering usernames for some odd reason.

Well 2015 is gonna be filled to the asshole with films. Unlike this year which was a dry spell, some say constipated.