Michael Nagle

While this is no where close to be the worst comedy of the year, it might be the most average. Melissa McCarthy once again steals the spotlight as she brings about the only laughs in the picture. Sandra Bullock is okay and has some cute, physical comedy moments but she was in another planet compared to McCarthy. That

I'm not a fan of Matt Fraction so the first trade of this was a gamble for me. I was surprised on how much I enjoyed this though! It's very creative and fun to read. To be honest though the art by Aja and Pulido are the real draw to this series for me.

Oh great, I'm sure Paula Deen is thrilled to have the sane radio host in Glenn Beck on her side….

Where the fuck is my Incredibles 2!?

Funny how I only knew him for I AM LEGEND for the longest time. But then I've seen so much of his work and his adaptations and it's amazing how influential he was. Clearly a lot of famous work of Film and TV wouldn't happen if it weren't for him. He will be missed.

Timing of this makes no sense. If he's against this because of the violence involving kids, fine. More power to him. But he had all this time to put this out there and he waits to the release date? Either he's very dumb to give it more advertising inadvertently or that's the whole fucking point to this.

Definitely one of my all time favorite episodes. In the grand scheme of things is it the best Simpsons episode ever? No, but it's definitely one of John Swartzwelder's best. You can tell this is one of the few scripts that wasn't radically altered by the writing staff cause every joke and visual screams Swartzwelder.

It would be hilarious for the next president if the show doesn't bother a dead on impersonation. Not so much now with Obama because Jay Pharaoh had to be so damn patient to get his moment in the sun. But whoever comes next? Just let it be the driest, deadpan read that Chevy did with Ford.

This feels like it should have been a DVD-only release. That isn't a huge knock on the film because there have been a good amount of minor releases Disney put out (Return of Jafar anyone?). But it feels like Pixar shouldn't be wasting their time on something so trivial. It looks great and you get some great


Good! You can never go wrong with more RDJ in your film.

Well it's a dream sequence so that's not too bad. But yeah….what the fuck is MacFarlane doing to get this much work in animation?

Not only did this woman keep pushing her unhealthy recipes that definitely helped get her diabetes but now she's using the 'N' word without disregard?

What a shame to hear. Of course considering his lifestyle and how he's typecast it kinda wasn't a shock he had heart issues. Still, a great actor is gone yet again.

How does it compare to Hiroshima or Dresden from WWII? Cause that's what I thought of when Metropolis turned into rubble.

Why has this had such a difficult time coming out? The first Sin City literally got 4x its budget back when it came out in theaters. With comic book movies dominating the box office it seems like a no brainer to have this come out….Oh well.

Was anyone really shocked that Harmon was NOT going to like season 4? He's absolutely right though. Season 4 was trying too hard to be like the old days and it ended up being more of an 'homage' kind of season then anything else. I feel bad for the men and women who tried to make this year a good season….But they

Just caught up this season last night and I'm enjoying it so far. It hasn't been the funniest season but I love how they're going back to the action oriented, Johnny Quest parody this show used to be.

You know you got a crummy episode when the commentary diverages into something not even close to the episode they're discussing. Although I liked how they go through the process of writing an episode. I'd kill for a whole documentary of how an episode of the show goes from page to screen. Weird they haven't really

While not hilarious, this was the first time (after two episodes) where this show is coming into its own. There are some good jokes along the way and Reiner definitely seems to be loving hosting this. I don't think we will be seeing a true hilarious episode until Richard Pryor though. But I'll talk about that when we