Michael Nagle

Ah. This could be one of my all time favorite episodes in anything. Seriously, I love this episode so much because it was one of the first times I realized how great TV can be. Great characterization, a good idea for a plot, and some good jokes along the way.

The ending did throw me for a loop. I was so expecting a 'this was a dream!' kind of deal and we didn't get it. So yeah….they really ended it with The Backstreet Boys. I'm not complaining because it was funny. But man that's a fucking weird way to end a movie.

This was really funny. Just basically doing a regular Seth Rogan-type of film and make it an end of the world plot. These guys really played off each other well and we got some great scenes in here. I won't spoil too much but the scenes that I enjoyed the most were Franco and McBride arguing over the porno mag &

I never knew M. Night wrote Stuart Little….Jesus, The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable are really going to be his only highlights at this point aren't they?

Please let the Boney M. song be the theme.

You'd think, even with no experience what so ever, a Nuclear Safety Technician would make much more money than that. In "Much Apu About Nothing" we can see Homer's paycheck and it is a very small amount.

As Mirkin said in the commentary, the B story with Homer is the best example of George Meyer's humor. There's so much weird stuff going on with the sugar story it's hard to wrap your head around it. The diatribe about the city father's is probably one of the best things he's ever written (and David Silverman animated

It is amazing how very little comedy is in this particular episode. Or even how little the cast is in here either. You couldn't get away with that now a days when it comes to the show. But it is still a very good episode despite it not being a real sketch comedy like it was suppose to be advertised. I do like how Paul

So a Louis C.K./Woody Allen combo would be amazing. If C.K. is great in this movie I would love to see a major role for him if that could happen.

Oh the memories!

There's this weird notion, or more so, in American films where the British are bad guys. If I was British I would be a bit miffed about that….The revolution was centuries ago guys!

I also call bullshit on Harmon not watching season 4. This was still his baby when he left the show so not knowing what went on with his plot and his characters makes no sense. But I would love to see this commentary track idea happen. I mean I was gonna buy the DVD anyways but seeing an "outsider" reaction to the

This is a very interesting mix of people for this movie. Which is I guess the way you need to go because GOTG is a tough sell for many people. Although I am still not a fan James Gunn so the reveal of who Rocket Raccoon is will make or break me. I swear to god I hope it's Jason Statham.

Good for her! She got her big start on Doctor Who and now she's going to get even more recognition for doing a Marvel production. I mean, I know so many people know her already from Who. But this is still a step up from doing a TV show.

Good lord I can't believe it's been 3 years since the last season's episode. Really need to catch up before midnight.

I have it and I didn't have an issue with it. The outrage over it though was hilarious.

This really is one of the best looking episodes in the show's history. It's sad because it took an earthquake for it to happen but with the extra time Jim Reardon did an amazing job with the episode.

Watching this episode for the first time on Netflix was very strange. I knew the show was going to be different from its current incarnation but I didn't realize HOW different.

This is so damn strange. I also thought this was never going to happen and Harmon was just fucking with us. But hey, if he can salvage a fifth (and possible final) season then why question it? He's got A LOT of work to do though if he wants his baby to finish with class.

And thus my Tumblr account is filled with nothing but people weeping.