Wow, I was just about to support EffYew by saying that others shouldn’t try to stereotype Black voters. And then you came along and stereotyped white voters. Thanks for setting me straight.
Wow, I was just about to support EffYew by saying that others shouldn’t try to stereotype Black voters. And then you came along and stereotyped white voters. Thanks for setting me straight.
Thank you, Greg Howard, for informing me that there IS some sane process for commissioning and publishing original content. All the Internet’s life, I’ve been convinced by the evidence that most “professional” content on “serious” websites is done by one person, from conception to eyeballs. Now I know better: the same…
At the beginning of each school year, parents should have to answer one question in writing:
Women DO NOT want you to call attention to their breasts, even after they’ve prepared, decorated, and displayed them for maximum effect. The proper way to compliment a woman’s breast is to cup them in your hands, bounce them up and down, and say “Yee haw!”
That sounded more like a Transient Ischemic Attack (mini stroke). Can happen to anybody, anytime.
Not only CAN a nuclear war happen, but the US practices STARTING them. If our forces are overrun, we go nuke first.
Emerson does lots of defense contracting on nuclear stuff.