Michael Milford

I'm petitioning for a Department of Littlehand Protection.

Yeah, but we already know it's 50/50 as to whether he'll send our battleships in the right direction.

He's the guy who buys the house, sells the child and eats the dog.

If you want to double down on your existential terror (and who among us wouldn't?) watch Trump back in the 1980s and 90s. He's articulate, thinks on his feet, and is an altogether different man than this aqua-netted wastoid he is today.

Yeah, it's like Michael Caine said after winning an Oscar(!) for Cider House Rules. It's basically inevitable for an actor to not sacrifice at least some 'presence' when using an accent apart from their dominant one. I don't know how so many Brits do it so well. I will say going from RP to General American is

it's actually quite common for one sibling to have a strong regional dialect and the other one to speak more neutrally. Even in childhood.

There's a doc on this subject called 'Fox News Brainwashed My Dad'. Not subtle perhaps…but compelling and persuasive. The brain biologically changes. It rewires and alters personalities after prolonged exposure to the lies and negativity and overstimulation.

When you consider how a leader is meant to be culled from that civilization's best, brightest, and most conscientious people…but instead the deplorables (they've earned it) backed a guy equal parts arrogant, unintelligent, and unempathetic. Moreover, Trump is unwilling to consider even the possibility of personal

I cannot help but feel that only in a failing state do such truly fucked up individuals rise to assume control of said state. Any equivalent number of reasonably decent employees in say, a reasonably decent restaurant could be teleported into the White House and do a better job of, y'know…running the free world. I

Ha! Yeah there's that too. Also, Steve Coogan credits McKean's David St. Hubbins for the single most (according to Coogan) English moment ever captured on film.

It always seemed like one of those unintended David Chase influences. That whiff of contempt for an audience he so tirelessly labored to create -

On the next Mad Men…

We're all holding planted cellphone batteries or we all have fecally-soiled convertibles? Guilty to the latter.

More than not letting him drop Gandolfini was apparently encouraged to gain from season to season. Gandolfini mentioned this in at least one interview during the series run. So perhaps it was his choice alone. Given the end result I feel like shit saying it, but it happened to be a brilliantly effective one. Each year

Yeah, but don't be put off by the hacky writing or by the Garry Marshallness…McKean's work was stellar there too. Slight correction - He was actually the former half of the duo. The great David Lander was the latter.

Yeah man, ol boy's been crushing it since the Ford Administration. So I dearly hope Charles MacGill is the one that brings into deathless knowledge Michael McKean's singular contributions to this culture or any other. In some ways he is unequaled really.

Yeah bitch! Magnets!!

Frost/Nixon is a triumph. nothing short of it. A Langella grand slam.

In keeping with Fargo S2's corporate versus small business model, the Gearhardts had more heart than sophistication. More courage than brains. Or adaptability. Pride is a killer. Particularly when change is all about and one's nature instead is to lean in to stasis,

Yes, absolutely Milligan was lucky. To his credit (and longevity) though, he was also levelheaded and adaptable. Adaptability in particular being Darwin's main component for survival overall…while cultivating a certain detached focus must serve one well in a criminal underworld of hairtrigger violence and paranoid