Michael Milford

It is generally a more assured journey going from comedic proficiency to dramatic proficiency, rather than vice-versa. In short, the typical comic carries much inner seriousness but 'serious' actors only sometimes possess the funny. Liam Neeson anyone?

French accent

They were speaking of her and Harry Crane. But within the context, I had assumed they meant professionally married to one another.

Saddest of all, for those of us born in 1969, it's 45 years later. Shit. How'd THAT happen?

So far, each episode has constituted passage of a month of time. We're on course for a (half) season finale set in July, '69 - the moon landing. One small step for Don…

Great observation in regards to Hershey's! And here I was chalking up the brown suit to nothing more than the looming earth-tone fashion hellscape of the 1970s. Not even the sartorially magnificent will be safe…as millions of currently-fading Kodachrome snapshots will attest.