Michael Michael

So I had an abortion a little over two years ago. It was a wanted pregnancy, too. My son was diagnosed with half of his heart, which leads to suffocation at birth if not treated immediately with at least 3 open heart surgeries before 3 years old. And sometimes these kids die from heart attacks at the age of 4 when

You shouldn’t be self-loathing. It’s the internet. So many other people will loathe you for free.

I ship Taylor and Uzo now.

They were having some sort of Jean Claude van Damme marathon last weekend, I appreciated it a lot in my drunken state, and it was probably the best thing they will ever do.

I don’t remember what I did. I don’t even remember being 18. :-S

Hi everyone,

*hug* been there. the last few months are rough, but you can do it.

Jesus Herman Christ. You can’t fucking say nigger ass holes just get the fuck over it

“If an embryo is “not a person, what is it? Because if you left it alone, that’s the only thing it can become,” he said. “It can’t develop into a pony!”

My neighbors have a dignified, somewhat elderly dog named Randall. I die.

Your rational approach to people who want purebred animals is refreshing.