I'm J/K Rowling Around

Probably worth noting that the “investigation” into these chucklefucks was hired by their own archdiocese. But then again, the Catholic church does have an excellent track record in self-imposed investigations...

If this shit-for-brains kid wins, then I would wholeheartedly say yes.

Yes, the media and pretty much everyone else jumped on this story too soon before they knew all of the facts.

So can the Parkland kids sue Fox news for the same thing? 

“a modern-day form of McCarthyism.”

So basically the outcome this administration was hoping for.

It’s so infuriating and heartbreaking. She should have been given safety here in the US. I’m sorry we failed her, and so many others.

For conservatives this is considered a win/win. They are heartless monsters and must be stripped of power.

This is the clearest evidence yet that Donald and his goons are straight-up murderers. Just because they didn’t literally commit the act themselves doesn’t absolve them of putting her in that situation by deporting her.

Malia is cool, read all about it!

Seriously, whoever took that beer pong picture is a fucking douchebag. Does it not occur to these people how nice it is that they’re too unimportant for anyone to give a shit what they’re doing? 

OMG! Wine! Weed! Kissing!

As a Bernie supporter that voted for him in the primaries in 2016:

“There’s an allegation by the acting FBI director at the time that the deputy attorney general was basically trying to do an administrative coup, take the president down [through] the 25th Amendment process,” Graham said on Face the Nation.

Great. So now we get to watch that POS grandstanding drama queen Lindsay Graham open an investigation that’ll ignore the belief, backed with some pretty damn strong evidence, of the FBI and the intelligence community that, aside from being completely unfit for office, Trump is under the direct control of Vladimir

As a result, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman and rabid Trump guard dog Lindsey Graham said his panel will investigate the claim.

I’m still pissed about the year Julia Roberts won for Erin Brockovich & kept talking over the music; meanwhile, earlier in the broadcast, the winning short film was about a Holocaust survivor who got played off the stage.

I truly cannot understand how they thought this would be a good idea. I mean really - cinematography and editing of all things? Those are the backbones of filmmaking. And I mean, EVERYONE has an opinion about hair and makeup! If they have to relegate some categories to off screen, why not make it be sound mixing or

+1 for factual transcription of investigation

For the low low price of several grand, you too can get hard hitting investigative techniques like:

I own the 55” model and viewing angles are surprisingly good. I was concerned about that as well after reading that piece, but found reality didn’t match the review in that regard.

I own the 55” model and viewing angles are surprisingly good. I was concerned about that as well after reading that