I'm J/K Rowling Around

Trump playing “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” may have been the one honest thing about his campaign.

Don’t worry. They thought of all that.

Wasting money related to the military doesn’t count.

I need someone to do the cost estimate of how many dollars are being wasted by deploying the troops now, when the walking pace of the caravan means they won’t be anywhere near the border for another month.

I sure as hell am! Here, check out the details and see what kind of bullshit she fell for:

I’ll consider it progress if he doesn’t endorse it.

This isn’t entrapment; as the officer didn’t compel or incentivise Everett or his gf to post anything, and you absolutely have NO expectation of privacy for anything you post on Facebook.

Will this Titanic still have cars to fuck in down in the cargo hold? 

Maybe this is just the vegetarian in me talking, but I fail to see the problem. People who eat meat are so weird about only eating “the right” kinds of meat. No parent would have complained if they had put pork in the turkey chili without telling parents first, but kangaroos are cute, so we can’t eat them.

Men have bigger hands than women. This is a result of men having bigger bodies than women. Inside those bigger bodies are bigger bones, brains, and, occasionally, boogers.

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

I think people that worked for the festival raised reg flags early on that they weren’t prepared, and he ignored them. So that tells me they were trying to make it happen. And the acts were booked but pulled out. So I am not 100% sure if it was a scam to begin with or a horribly executed idea.

...teachers in one Stafford County Public School directed children to bathrooms or locker rooms closest to them, but couldn’t decide where to send the girl, who is trans...

Are you a woman? I left an abusive relationship and got shit for not being loyal. I also got shit for not leaving sooner. There is no right way to exist.

Democrats everywhere need to fucking grow a pair. The shit we’re fighting for benefits EVERYONE. Living wages. Medicare for all. Affordable (or preferably free) Higher Education. Criminal Justice reform. Fuck playing nice, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY let’s get this shit done

I didn’t necessarily want her to punch him in the face, but I absolutely want her to punch him in the face.


“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”