Capitol Heights

This sucks. There was a clip taken backstage at Wrestlemania earlier this year—Maria Menunos told Dusty her and her boyfriend loved watching the older clips on the WWE Network. And then she busted out a not-bad-at-all imitation of his classic 'Hard Times' promo. Dusty was utterly charmed and it seemed like he was

That is a great quote, but don’t forget Wagner’s response: “Well, come on, then.”

There was a precedent for the hill, too. ‘Duffy’s Cliff’ in left field at Fenway:

I was wondering why sad piano music started autoplaying when I pulled up Grantland this morning...

Same old Hollywood:

You must have the director’s cut version. Every time I’ve seen the movie, Robin Williams was in Mrs. Doubtfire.

I remember watching that, I belly laughed. Even better was when Joe sat down after his song (Jimmy Webb’s ‘Just Like Always’) and, tongue in cheek, asked Dave to explain what he meant. Dave actually looked embarrassed and said, “It’s just an old joke, Joe...”

The drop kick was also easier when the football was more the size and shape of a rugby ball. Pretty impressive that Flutie could do it with the modern football. IIRC, the drop kick FG was his last play in the NFL.

Let’s not blame the managing editor and the deputy editor. After all, it was a school night.

Ha! Love this. So much.

Getcha popcorn ready!

So, instead of an ‘eternal’ flame, it’s a ‘memorial’ flame...like the one installed at the Oakland Coliseum, right?

Hold their feet to the fire, you magnificent bastards.

After Flack recorded her version of ‘First Time’ either the producer or a record label factotum came into the studio and told Roberta it was too long and she should do a sped-up take. Being a young artist, she was unsure what to do. The great bassist, Ron Carter, was behind the exec and he shook his head and mouthed

The word “sane” should never be placed so close to the words “baseball writers who have a vote for the hall of fame”.

<slow clap>

I think they only did the halftime show special once. It was hilarious. I still quote the jokes from the ‘Men On...’ sketch:

“That’s still the second-biggest WWE botch of all time, after that time Owen Hart broke Stone Cold Steve Austin on an errant piledriver.”

Does this mean Michael Cole is off to make a shitty, straight-to-DVD movie for WWE Studios? That's why Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton did their stretcher jobs.

Rumor is they may not be torpedoing his career as much as proceeding with caution. He came back from serious neck surgery (and experimental therapy) and is still throwing himself around the ring and taking dangerous spots. Like Luke Harper dropping him on his head recently.