Doesn't exist anymore, AFAIK. Landmark Brewey went bust. Their brewery (formerly the Schmidt's brewery) became an ethanol plant, and is now being converted to loft housing. The plus is there is a plan to put a brewpub in the old Rathskeller.
Doesn't exist anymore, AFAIK. Landmark Brewey went bust. Their brewery (formerly the Schmidt's brewery) became an ethanol plant, and is now being converted to loft housing. The plus is there is a plan to put a brewpub in the old Rathskeller.
Me too, we really have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to good beer choices in MSP.
Nordeast and Premium are awesome cheap beers. Surly makes fine beer, but it's waaaaay overpriced and the Surly fanboys annoy the shit out of me. I'd rather give my money to Mark Stutrud at Summit.
I think the Masked Man is exclusively at these days.
Man, look at the size of that's a big douchebag, that's all I'm sayin'....
As did I. I prefer to look at it as batting .400!
Because of the multiple poor coaches the Vikings have had, only Les Steckel punched himself in the face until he was bleeding to show his players exactly what "tough" was.
Boy, it's dusty in here.
Gerry L don't know Bo.
Mah God! That's DeAndre Jordan's music! And business is about to pick up!
Michael J. Fox's family wouldn't refer to him as "Michael J" because...he isn't. His actual middle initial is "A". There was already an established actor named Michael Fox in Canada when the Artist Soon To Be Known As Marty McFly was getting started, so he had to alter his name. He didn't like "Michael A. Fox", so he…
And as Bill Maher said at the time, "When Dan Quayle says he never smoked pot (pause) I believe him."
A deer! A female deer!
Interesting. I just watched the Top 10 Super Bowls episode of the NFL's Top 10 on the NFL Network (mock me if you must, it's perfect brainless entertainment).
I was 30 when I started dating this woman...She woke me out of a sound sleep one night after we had been together for a couple of months. I asked what was wrong. She said to me, "I love kids...but I don't want to have any." Then she looked at me fearfully, waiting for my reaction.
Come on,'re both right. That WAS a long time ago, Torii doesn't owe the Twins (or their fans) anything, and any free agent in his right mind would pick the AL champ over the rebuilding Twins.