Michael Mee

I didn't quite assume that this was meant to be the implication, but it did cross my mind as being a possibility, especially given one of the few things we know about Gregor is that he raped Elia Martell.

Well… Qyburn started off left-for-dead at Harrenhall in Season 2 or 3 (its a blur now). He has risen to the man who crowns the leader of the kingdoms (albeit a very tenuous leader). I think he is doing well for himself. As far as his overall plan, I don't think he has one. He just decided early-on that he could

I think Margaery's plan will be in the process of backstabbing and overthrowing the faith, I think Tommen is in on it, and I think Cersei will botch it all by blowing up the city just in the nick of time to ruin everything.

Napster didn't have a contract with any of the musicians; thus it did not "screw" them at all. "Screw" implies the breaking of a promise.

Even if they didn't buy it completely, what else are they going to do? The dude lawyered up, he has no more product, and there is no possible evidence to link him to anything unless he slips up and ADMITS committing crime(s). You think cops have all day to sit around chasing a hunch they have absolutely no evidence of?

Last episode, at the fire station, they lingered on a close-up of two firefighters playing chess, where each player had their King and a few pawns remaining on opposite corners of the board. In this episode, when they played 7 Card Stud, each player was dealt two face down cards and a King as their face up card.