can’t tell if this is snark, sarcasm, or the truth.
can’t tell if this is snark, sarcasm, or the truth.
Just for kicks, how about taking your GTR to Carmax and see what they offer you?
New column to go along with Letters To Doug. Doug’s Bedtime Stories.
Hi Doug!
When I was 16, I received my first ticket for speeding. To avoid points on my license, I went to defensive driving. The class was held in a large conference room with the tables arranged in a “U”. Idle chatter filled the room until the kid walked in. Yes, I do mean the kid. He looked to be about 10.
We’ve been trying to do more of that with both cars and bikes lately. Hope it’s going well.
I love the more technical take on cars. We definitely need more of this.
What do you think, should we invite him back?
“My 3rd ex-wife drove an Alfredo Romano, and she ran just as hot as that little Italian number, and in the end, both of them did a damn fine job of bankrupting me.”
The troublesome aspect of this to me is..
Why buy a new Outback when you can get this beachfront property for less!
This is much funnier.
☐ not rekt ☑ rekt