
Consider the following IMAGES: (1) White Guy acting “on his own” killing Black people in Jacksonville Florida with a gun he bought with his own money. Fast forward backwards and sideways and visualize (2) a White (not always) guy in a U.S.A. Military uniform detailed to AFRICOM getting Combat Duty Pay killing Black

The “description” by the initial witness was probably more than “someone wearing neon and white.” It was somebody “black” wearing neon and white. Since when is the wearing of neon and white probable cause that one has stolen a Kia? But is just being “black” better probable cause? Some in authority apparently think so

Idea: Sign the $32 Trillion U.S.A. National Debt over to a Black-owned and Black-run organization to chosen by lottery.

Its really fascinating to hear what those guided by Satan will say. What they say will have the very slightest ring of truth. The Civil War was fought TO KEEP THE UNION TOGETHER NOT TO FREE THE SLAVES. And Lincoln had said that he would SUPPORT Black Only Slavery if that would KEEP THE UNION TOGETHER. After the Union

The OUTRIGHT Race Based Chattel Slavery of the PAST which was never stopped punished or reparated for became over time Corporate Slavery right here and now in the 21st century. There is a CONNECTION between the past and the present and this article concerning Angel Onuoha and his Google experience demonstrates this

When you talk about “white” history it is important to understand that everything that was done by White folks to P.O.C. they perfected on each other and WORSE for thousands of years before they were ABLE to leave their European and British Homeland to go out into the larger world to do it to other Peoples. Slavery