Michael Lieberman

That looks awful. "We replaced QTEs with QTEs." I don't see how "action slows down and you just need to hit in the direction the game wants you to hit in" is any different than a QTE. I'm not looking for conventional gameplay mechanics but I'd rather not "press X to Jason" anymore.

Well Gearbox hasn't released many excellent games beyond the Borderlands series. They also haven't released many terrible games beyond Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever. I tend to forgive the latter because it was in development hell for so long it was pretty much doomed. I'm personally just on the fence with

Youtube is having some issues.

I've always hated the blazer + t-shirt combo, but I really do like the Capybara Games design.

Oh god, I didn't vote for that lunatic. I'm saying that it sounds like these companies that "provided" the data didn't do it willingly and it was sniffed from the outside.

Probably because Obama stated that PRISM is a foreign packet sniffing program. So if you log into gmail or whatever from another country they snoop on the information coming into the US.

Didn't Obama just confirm that the companies aren't participating and they're actually sniffing foreign packets coming from outside the US into the US? That sounds like none of these companies are actually participating, just that the US is looking at all the data that comes in sort of like Room 641a.

I still disagree. It is definitely possible that years from now people will look back at 2012's games and utilize some of the elements that are used in games that will be improved on. I mean look at games now that utilize that 8-bit/16-bit graphics style. Look at a game like Minecraft, Sword and Sworcery.

Why do people still do 8-bit music? Why not just compose purely in whatever is the latest and greatest? Why do people use distortion? Why do people still make black and white films. Why do people use film at all anymore? He's not making any commentary on the quality of the ideas behind the product. He's commenting on

It's an "OK" game. It could have been great but the weapon purification system is too slow and breaks up the pacing of the game, and the enemies all feel the same after a while. There's a lot of cool elements in the game but it's not polished enough to really warrant a purchase. The side scrolling was cool and there

The statue wasn't some middle aged woman otherwise it would be all over.

It's such a shame too. His older videos from years back which concentrated on skepticism were a lot better. He brought facts and statistics into his arguments and it upsets me that he's devolved into name calling and fallacies.

But he took it out of context. She was primarily talking about the old Double Dragon games' opening scene and how the new Double Dragon game continued that trend with the punch to the gut. That was all she brought up. I have the new Double Dragon I like the game. One could even make the argument that the new Double

But he doesn't make much of a case. In the first video he leads off with out of context clips of Anita criticizing a particular scene from the beginning of Double Dragon not anything else in the game. She leads in talking about how Double Dragon leads off with Marion getting punched in the gut and then carried over a

I used to love Thunderfoot until he became self-parody. I wonder if he sees the hypocrisy in how he spends so much time criticizing feminism where he cherry picks and props up strawmen. For example back in the day he used to love to cite statistics and facts. Now he cites his own anecdotes as if they speak for

There's something about this that's so black, it's like how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.

The world also doesn't need video game websites and yet here we are.

Maybe I missed another rant, but I've never really heard him go off on the community and a particular fan. I've seen him go off on other players sure.

Yeah it seems like everyone missed the point that this is a joke. I don't think this guy is actually trying to make a point that PCs are better.

How did they waste their time? They apparently got a playable concept out of this and were able to get some publicity out of it.