Michael Lacey

no, sorry! naivety does not make one culpable for the actions of others, nor does it make mass-violation of privacy somehow acceptable.

wow i am bored of film critics writing extremely long articles about how they want to tell me what happens at the end of films before i've seen them

There's literally a scene in Fever Pitch where Colin Firth sits down and watches a news report about the Hillsborough disaster with tears in his eyes

With regards to the effects used to remove Pennsatucky's teeth mentioned in the review - I think she was wearing some kind of unwieldy prosthetic gumshield, and her dialogue was dubbed on afterwards.

shut up.

What's the word for spoilers for programmes that have already aired, then? It's the same word, isn't it, because you're wrong.

Why is everyone such an asshole about this? It's not remotely difficult to avoid ruining things for people. This reminds me of when Mark Millar ruined Coulson's death scene in The Avengers on twitter. He said that if anyone hadn't seen the film within 2 weeks, they weren't a real fan and deserved to have it spoiled

Todd, man, I like you, but I still don't want to know what happens in television programmes I haven't watched yet. That goes for the first 5 minutes as well as the last 5. There's no reason this article couldn't be called "Bryan Fuller on this week's big mystery!" or something more oblique.

hey todd! thanks for deciding what is and isn't a spoiler on my behalf. SPOILER: if its a thing that happens in the episode, then its a spoiler.

for fucks sake avclub, spoilers in headline titles?

Moffat didn't write this episode. It's the Moffiest thing Gatiss has ever written, mind,

1. fargo
2. a serious man
3. the man who wasn't there
4. barton fink
5. hudsucker proxy
6. no country for old men
7. miller's crossing
8. o brother where art thou
9. big lebowski
10. blood simple
11. burn after reading
12. raising arizona
13. intolerable cruelty
14. the ladykillers

it's far from bullshit - good as pan's labyrinth is, the lives of others is an out and out masterpiece. a dense, serious, powerful film and i don't think it trumped PL due to genre snobbery or anything like that.

This wasn't a perfect episode, but it illustrated a kind of dicking-about-with-structure-and-focus that could be quite welcome if the Simpsons is going to never ever end.

there's plot threads and individual shots in mr. nobody that seem directly lifted from toto, too.

Jaco Van Dormael's first film, Toto The Hero, is a total masterpiece. Came out in about 1991. This one and the one before it (he seems to work very slowly) I thought were over-sentimental cleverclogs bullshit.


Hey, AVClub! Employ a proofreader.

This season contained the best and worst material Chevy has had to contend with in a while. Hard to blame him for walking away.

Auughhh release it now so I can listen to it and nothing else for a full year