Michael Kelehan

The only QOL feature that is an absolute must for these games is a fast-forward button.

I believe Japanese voice has been confirmed.

He has a point tho, no ones cares as much about the deaths caused by traffic accidents etc as much as they do when 1 person gets shot.

Well that got pulled fast:

Compare these two competitors and the way they act post-match to that guy who got up and screamed like a maniac into the other guy’s face.

That’s actually pretty sweet.

The vernacular is established, and will remain until people no longer find it useful.  You’re fighting this fight about 15 years too late.

Professor Layton’s investigating loot crates “Surprise Mechanics”?

Weird, I could swear it was there already. I'm starting to lose track of which games I paid for and which are on the pass! 

I really like this. I never play my Switch in handheld mode because it’s just not that comfortable. The joycons always felt like they were designed for their tiny compact form factor and not to be a good actual controller both separately and joined together. This might be a little clunkier, but I bet it feels better

That’s all great, but can they figure out how to adjust the channel levels so that speaking characters aren’t 20 decibels more quiet than the music and sound effects? I’d pay an extra $4-$5 a month for that.

Does that set off alarms for you too? Considering MeToo is a thing, he should call out abusers. Why does he need to sell the world on the idea that he COULD name people, only if we watch his movie?

For everyone who plays StarTropics and gets stuck, the frequency is 747.

Thank you, Michael! So I’m told, and I’ll put it on my list for this year. =)

If you’re going to go through the trouble of making this weird thing, why oh why does it not have a real D-pad instead of 4 separate buttons, one of the biggest failings of the Switch? And why are the A and B buttons swapped and in the wrong locations? Last I checked, my right thumb points up and to the left, not up

For an example of this kind of story done correctly, I cannot recommend the Zero Escape series of video games enough. Especially the second one. 

Hello Michael. I made a separate reply, but saw you had the same issue I did with video games. I will post my recent reply below for you.

I want to update my comment. Roku pushed out an update last night that allows these speakers to be used with Game Mode turned on and it works great. No more high input latency.

These speakers will not work with gamers. There is a high latency (over 500ms) due to the video syncronization that is required of the Roku TV and speakers. The Roku support page says that this small delay wont be noticable by gamers, but that is a lie. A half second is huge. The official solution from Roku's support

Style is the wrong term. It’s a straight up GC Controller. The back of the box says it will work with the Switch and WiiU with adapter and with the Wii and GC straight up. I have yet to test but I wouldn’t doubt the Big N on this one.