Michael Kelehan

In full game you can toggle the control to only use one or another. During testfire, I too had trouble getting used to the aiming so I stick mainly to roller. But after couple of games I had gotten used to stick for quick turn and gyration for finer aiming, I switched to using machine gun.

It sounds like you missed it. I didn’t play the Test Fire, so I can’t say where the setting was, but I know with 100% certainty that the game also supports traditional controls.

Actually, when you play next go into controls at the main weapon choice screen on the Test Fire and choose analog over motion control. I prefer it as well.

There were settings to change it.

If by 3, they mean 6 then no this is accurate.

Honestly, he should be DC’s Kevin Feige. They have their gold goose right under their nose and aren’t even touching it.

Lets not forget the awesome Pepsiman PS1 game.

Silent Hills gets cancelled and YouTube Clickbait: The Game gets a fourth installment. There is no God.

No problem. Just let Del Toro and Kojima work together once he no longer works for Konami and then they can make a horror game based off of their idea for Silent Hills. The difference is that it will be a new IP. Bam.

“Justin Bailey Amiibo announced - A Nordstrom exclusive”

I put a vote in for Mike Jones, because we need more Startropics.

I voted for Bayonetta.

It is shocking that I went through all of that while mis-reading Kotaku’s post. Thank you for sticking with me, haha.

Replacing the giant squid alien in Watchmen. Having Adrian fake John's powers, framing him for all of the devastation, worked a lot better than bringing some dumb-ass squid in from left field. Honestly, it ties the story together more elegantly, and it raises the stakes for all of the characters involved. It also

nope same day now they just announced!

I didn't even jump while I was writing it.

The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.

I imagine this will have some impact on what comes to America. I honestly don't think they'll be bringing the regular New 3DS to America, especially if it proves to be far less popular in Japan and whatever other countries they bring it to before America.