Michael Kelehan

fixed. sorry about that.

Correlation =/= causation.

You have to be recommended a few times to no longer be in Soul Form.

Crazy pills, on a sleeper ship.

Also, aside from the cannibals, a really neat mystery format, and visually interesting. Wish they'd make a sequel

The world didn't deserve it.

I'd have to go with TNG's Sub Rosa - it was summed up to me by a friend as "Beverley falls in love with a candlestick on the planet of the Scotsmen" and it isn't even as rude as the image that my conjure up. It is also the only episode name that I have ever remembered, possibly of any show.


Wait wait...Picross e??? Is that a brand new entry? If so, wtf why wasn't I told about this earlier!! Picross has been one of my absolute favorite puzzle series of all time. It's sudoku on steroids plus Nintendo influence.

By a Big Robot!

Oh I know, it's just the best I can come up with since magicbologna seems so sure. It's really just a technicality.

Now playing

The fine folks at Lore In A Minute have tackled the seminal puzzle game Myst, which you may recall actually features some remarkably convoluted backstory. I keep meaning to replay this game...

Yeah, also it coincides to being the same day the amazon app store became available in several more countries, including mine, I'm happy

My god that is awesome, thank you for the tip!

I'm really happy it's eshop only. The price should be lower than £40 because they have no retail box to sell, meaning they aren't obligated to shift the hard copies first and also it might be a good test for visual novels. I'd be eternally happy if they started releasing visual novels on eshop. If they have any common

Something I threw together. What do you think of this layout/design for the Kotaku review cards?

At least we finally (and quietly) got 10000000.

What do you have against world-renowned pediatric oncologist Dr. Richard Lord?