“Others aren’t having as much luck, especially those with hardware physically connected to their network, as the app only works wirelessly.”
“Others aren’t having as much luck, especially those with hardware physically connected to their network, as the app only works wirelessly.”
Rotation is standardized, so if what you’re saying is true, one of them is doing it wrong.
Bring on the weird. A Link Between Worlds scratched my classic 2D Zelda itch; I’m ready for something like Zelda 2 or Majora (or BOTW!) that shakes things up.
I’m hoping for what I always want: a surprise release of a digital game that I end up really enjoying. See: Picross 3D Round 2, NES Remix.
“Multiple playthroughs of games is the sort of deterrent that has me hesitant to begin playing Nier: Automata, as an example.”
Yeah, I don’t know. Is there anything that can really make me excited about this movie? No matter what, it’s going to be a ghost of what could have been.
Yeah, I don’t understand why he didn’t mention that and talking about adding it to an enclosure. There are a few times when I’ve noticed Shep has shown a pretty big bias towards PS4.
Yeah, I don’t understand why he didn’t mention that and talking about adding it to an enclosure. There are a few…
It's a fun game. You'll probably like it. But never, ever, ever play it single player, or you will hate it forever.
This review is missing a very, very important caveat about these speakers: They don’t work with video games.
This is for games, though.
Yes, yes, yes. When this came out, I got a bunch of friends together, and we played it over two long sessions a week apart. If you have enough people, you can even try assigning each character to a different player. Since the controls are so simple and it’s mainly about choices, anyone can play even if they’ve never…
You guys, the Model X is literally 3.5 times better than it was before. It used to be 2 good, and now it’s 7 good. That’s just math.
They included pictures of the arcade games on the box. That’s bait.
Telling that none of your excuses are “the game is fun.”
I don’t know, I feel like the ultimate Sega console would play Saturn games. If the Polymega can nail that, it will really be onto something.
I had forgotten there was going to be a VR Disaster Report. Could be a lot of fun!
Since it’s been so long since a main-series Mega Man game, I don’t think they’d be able to get away with taking many risks. I remember reading an interview with the game’s director, who said that the reason that there hasn’t been one in a while is because nobody wanted to be the one to screw up Mega Man after Inafune…
I mean, AC2 had a character say, “It’s a me, Mario!” during a story cutscene.
“Tuesday? Let me check my calendar.... sorry, I’ve got an assault scheduled for Tuesday. Thursday?”
The Movie was such a great experience in the theater. Rifftrax Live is a similar experience. I really recommend it.