Michael Kelehan

The problem with that is, if your preorder won’t be fulfilled for several months, many people will just say, “Nevermind.” When those people find out another retailer isn’t doing preorders, but is getting stock on Sunday, they’ll line up on Sunday. If there were just one retailer selling the system, this would work

I can see how a raffle system, where everyone there at opening gets an equal chance, can be a little better than the time-wasting contest that is first-come-first-served, where those who are willing to sacrifice the most of their mornings get the system. This 179-181 business, though, seems like shenanigans.

So it’s cosmetic only? No affect on gameplay? Then I have absolutely 100% no problem with this.

I think Super Motherload is cross-buy between PS3 and PS4 as well, right?

I hope they just make that center piece available on its own, so I can use my own damn headphones and cables that are as long (or short) as I want.

Lemme tell you what I think. Niantic hasn’t said exactly how many monsters we’ll need to catch to unlock the legendary. The reason for that is... it’s going to unlock, no matter what. And they’ll tell everyone, “You did it! Teamwork!”

It’s free for the next 30 days, but after that, it goes up to $2.99; it doesn’t go away forever.

It was too hard before? Let’s see how it is with the new jump physics.

5, Patricia. Not 15. :-)

So, to be clear, the ONLY thing missing in the $16 purchase is costumes? Every puzzle and story chapter is playable from the $16 purchase? I see on Google Play that IAPs range from $2-$16, so I guess that $16 purchase is just unlock all costumes?

“Remember, you need to be at least level 20 to raid, so go get grinding if you’re not there already!”

Absolutely unacceptable.

Are the controller options still “less than ideal,” or did they fix that?

Are the controller options still “less than ideal,” or did they fix that?

There’s a Switch version in the works.

So it’s an Ouya, but will probably have a bunch of Atari’s first-party games built in. I have to say, my nostalgia for Atari-published console games is pretty low.

Mario Kart LAN party. 6 Switches, 6 TVs, 12 players. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need ethernet adaptors for LAN play on Switch. We have some on wired and some on 5 GHz, so they all stay clear of the controllers’ 2.4 GHz.

Voez was a special case because the game literally could not work without touch. I wouldn’t worry about it for any other games where buttons make sense.

....right, but the Wii was both underpowered and dead at that point. The Switch is very much alive, and more powerful than the PS3/360.

Actual controls. The only Switch game that requires the touch screen is Voez... which is actually from the same developer as this.

Is it? It came out on PS3 and 360.