Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?Like a good neighbor?
New company slogan ideas:
F1, I introduce you to the phrase: “Due Diligence”
Maybe Pirelli will break out Winter Sottozero tires for the race... <smh>
From what I’ve heard, you don’t give a shit if people with asthma or COPD die.
Yeah, if you belch all that shit out into the atmosphere your truck runs better.
Paid $25.00 for a General Admission ticket for Friday at the last F1 race in Detroit in 1988. And it was pretty good.
No doubt qualified immunity will come in to play.
Laws are for the little people.
Probably started small and snowballed.
There have been a bunch of posts like this lately where my only thought was “how did this guy think he was going to get away with this?”
I don’t think meth heads are known for good planning. And since they’re identical twins and share the same DNA, it’s possible the non-meth sister isn’t the brightest bulb, either.
I’ a loss for words. If they worked at the same place and wore the same uniform, wouldn’t it just make more sense to swap name-tags? Why the whole uniform?
Learn a lot about life at the Boat Ramp
Lol, Thanks.
Like everything else, launching boats takes practice. I think the biggest thing that causes these accidents is nerves causing people to forget the basics. I have a pretty solid checklist that I run through each time and it keeps me out of trouble. I also refuse to rush, no matter how busy the launch is. Rushing leads…
Simply tell your banker that it is 30 stories, worth 30 million and you only want to borrow 10% of the value with a 30 year term with the interest and principal due at the end of the term, oh and die before it’s due