Michael Curran

And exactly how are they - the WEF with no inherent jurisdiction - going to “impose” this on us.  Assuming that’s even what they want.  I want specifics - because your claim is very concerning.  

Being able to walk places and eating less beef.

Private jets are the very LEAST of the problem.

I, too, would like to remove my ability to shit for a week.

Personally, I don’t see how anyone in a non matching leopard print bikini top has any grounds to accuse others of being “low class”.

Go back down to Denver? Is she insinuating Lakewood is some kind of upper-middle class mecca? LOL.

Here’s a hint for bigots. If you possibly have a legitimate grievance about someone making too much noise or otherwise being a public nuisance, the second you open your bigoted mouth and start hurling slurs, YOU FUCKING LOSE. You have destroyed any sympathy or credibility for your cause.

This entire slide show could be nothing but Big 3 performance cars from the 1970s.

Mustang II King Cobra.  All show, no go.

To be fair, Miata is always the answer, for better or worse. 

“Ladies, why work somewhere else & just wonder if you’ll be sexually harassed at work? Come work for us and know 100%!”

If I wanted mediocre food served by disinterested women I’d get back with my exes. 

Hooters is still strategizing its expansion. It has set up multiple new locations in a very particular type of locale: retirement communities.”

The Bridgestones that came on my GTI were comically bad in the wet (and not so great in the dry). Not only did new tires help with traction they smoothed out the ride considerably. I had heard about people upgrading the tires when the car was right out of the showroom. It actually wouldn’t have been a bad idea. But it

Saw this winner in the employee parking lot at Fleet Farm.

And from his name is likely not Caucasian. Racist minorities confuse the shit out of me.

I thought he just disliked the Bureau of Land Management, those bastards! 😆

Not saying they don’t have their fair share of problems, but dude...you live in Hawaii...and this is what you’re upset about?

Hug your children. Make sure they feel valued.