Michael Curran

Finding one that isn’t broken is few and far between, I haven’t replaced mine since I assume it will break again

We need the proper Sahara back

Was expecting this......

You realize, I realize this is satirical as per the Simpsons reference


Is a phenomenal snow drifter

(when America and France come together)

Is it possible to buy an old Pope-Mobile and if so, where would one do that?

There was a guy that went to my college that had one just like this with plates that said “SABARU”

Must have seen your ex driving one of these cars.

Police RS200


Castrol all the things!

Oh ya, that's what I'd love to see, they aren't fooling anyone because they people who fall for it don't know shit about cars, and car people think you're stupid, so its a lose-lose

I'm actually in KC, I just grabbed this picture off Google because I didn't have any readily available, but there's definitely no shortage of improperly badged cars

That's something I'll never understand, you're not fooling anyone with your badges and after all the 'upgrades' they could have bought an actual performance vehicle

These are the worst kind of people


Duel obviously

With a surprising amount of storage