
Polestar was a terrible idea from Day 1. In the emerging EV market, “Let’s make really expensive and complicated models!” was not a great business plan, especially coming from Volvo, which had a history of making refreshingly practical machines.

I would think the answer to any problem at Red Bull is more Red Bull.

“If you guys don’t buy it I’ll restore it myself! ...I’m not kidding here! ...I’ve got parts coming and there’s a wrench in my hand! ...You’ll all be sorry when it’s all fixed up and you didn’t buy it when you had the chance! ...Okay I’m lowering the price $3500 but that’s it! ...I just tracked my order and those

Germans--always with the jokes!

Absolute Nice Price. These large, American wagons have their fans (including me), since they’re a type of vehicle that were once everywhere but shall never again roam this earth. Unlike Ford and Chevys, a Monaco is pretty rare and has that oh-so-unique ‘70s color palette. Plus its in excellent shape. A beauty that

Agree. SO many cars resembled them for decades after, but when they first came out it was a “whoa” moment.

True. We saw one the other day and thought it was a...Genesis, maybe? Not an insult to Genesis, but if I’m paying Bentley money it better damn well scream Bentley.

A nice (well, “quirky”) collection. Drive one each day based on your mood!

Funny because as you were opining about how rare Mitsubishi’s are now, I was thinking that I drive by a relatively new Mitsubishi dealership all the time that surprised me when it opened—I mean, who’s opening new Mitsubishi dealerships these days?

The media makes it a trend so they can fill time and space with it. Most new “trends” are things people did anyway but were never given a dumb name. I doubt many people are “rawdogging” (ugh) flights, they’re probably just drifting in and out of sleep like the rest of us, and some online editor gave it a name and made

Owning an amphicar in Amsterdam and having the option to drive it or sail it around town would be kind of nice.

I mean, unless you’re treating yourself or fulfilling some personal dream, in which case absolutely go for it, new cars are for suckers. A used cars lets you buy something you always wanted and its been around long enough that you can research it and know what to look for. It already has a ding or two so you don’t

Cute in the sense that it represents the awkward transition years between the large, analog iron beasts of the ‘70s and the more sophisticated and reliable molded cars of the ‘90s.

When a drunken Clarence Birdseye sent a package of frozen peas and carrots to Doris Day with a note that read, “Here’s the two veg—I’d like to give you the meat in person!

*story unconfirmed

Hard landing into the Costco parking lot so you can pick up an 80" TV and a chicken on the way home.

For a second I thought it was a Tesla.

Epic prank, Larry!

I hope that whenever Larry David sees Cheryl Hines he gives her a ton of shit for being married to this wacko. The woman reaaalllly wanted that Kennedy name. How’s that working out for you? Pretty, pretty good?

On the plus side, he does help explain why people lose so much money to fraud in this country. There really is a sucker born every minute, and they don’t recognize a scammer when he’s parading around right in front of them. Heck, they’ll even vote for him!

But has he changed his opinion about sharks?