
Its the not the destination, it’s the journey.

It’s all just a joke gone bad by office cutup Hans, the Porsche programmer.

But neither of those zig!

According to the media you just described Gen Z!

Zero to 60 in 2.3 seconds isn’t helping.

Who wants to buy the lint in my pocket?

Afeela sedan isn’t what people are buying theses days.

Re: Dodge Challenger/Charger: I hate to profile, but is it just me or are they ALWAYS involved in crimes? They’re either getting stolen, playing the lead role in a a moronic “street takeover,” getting chased by the LAPD or doing something stupid in Florida. Now every time I see one I squint suspiciously and think

“Nobody’s leaving this plane tlll I find my vape pen!”

I used them too for a while but moved to the electric-assist Jump bikes which were faster, more stable and useful. But the companies keep changing—now there’s Veo, maybe? It’s hard for something to get woven into the fabric of society when it disappears once the tech bros can’t figure out how to sustain it.

For you kids vaping at home who have no idea what’s going on here:

Honestly, what a fun little car, and a reminder of how few fun, affordable cars there are anymore.

Custom Cruiser ftw.

Crash tests are for snowflakes! Defund crash and safety tests!”

In the video Doug calls this a “crossover SUV,” whatever the hell that means. Also: Shut up, Doug.

A couple cans of Rustoleum Rust Reformer and good to go. But yeah, a manual would be the chef’s kiss.

For fu—s sake. More buttons, please.

I think it’s less about enforcement than it is about liability. Dealerships that pull these scams would now be breaking a specific law so could more easily be fined or sued. It’s a deterrent.