Michael J. McNeil

Congratulations; by the virtue of your immensely condescending, hoity-toity, William F. Buckley tone, you have won the argument, since you've relieved me of the burden of caring any further about your opinion. Thank you for setting me free of this discussion.

Quoting C.S. Lewis at me isn't going to change my mind. The "Narnia" books are nothing but Jack Chick tracts masquerading as children's novels. Ugh.

Until Saturday, i didn't think there WAS a question about whether or not Nazis were bad, but Trumpy Bear Prime seemed to feel differently about it. But I still stand by my point about the superhero movies.

"…proving that if you talk to adults like they’re children for long enough, eventually they’ll revert to children"

Let me get this straight? Some French guy claims he owns the "rights" to "Don Quixote", so the film is "illegal"? How the hell can anyone own the rights to a 400-year old novel that was never copyrighted in the first place? Isn't that patently ridiculous, rather like claiming you own the rights to a Shakespeare play,

Believe me Powerthirteen, I know EXACTLY what you mean.