Michael J. McFadden

Go back to the top of this article and look at the image of the cartoon lung smoking. Now think about the reaction if show hosts and suchlike routinely poked at the McWWhopperies out there with cartoons of grossly overbulging fattos and suchlike. Think anyone would object? Think anyone would object to my simple use

Carl, you wrote, "Obesity is right behind smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and is a certifiable epidemic among children under 18, and yet not only do we NOT restrict the marketing of junk food in any way, we permit fast food companies to market DIRECTLY TO children with free toys,

Something that I first noticed as a mid-state Pennsylvania thing about 25 years ago was a tendency to leave out forms of "to be" from sentences. I.E., instead of saying "The windows need to be washed." the person would say, "The windows need washed." It always felt like someone was almost physically torturing my

Well written Ozzy! Actually, when you say "It's not that hard to quit," you're pretty much quoting what NY Mayor Bloomberg said in a speech over in Germany about ten years ago. Heh, I'm surprised the local Antismokers didn't lop off his ears for that one, but I guess they felt they owed him.

Just look at how well putting heroin and marijuana in plain packaging worked! No one uses them anymore, right?