
I don’t care how fancy he is, dogs usually don’t live for much more than 16 years.

He should mostly fuck off for that username. WarriorsCubsPatsUNC.....omg....Most offensive thing i’ve seen on Deadspin.

Can he also be voiced by John H. Benjamin?

Good response +1

Yes, how could you be critical of a man’s sportscaster work and not also wish death on his family?
The mind, it boogles.

*reads take*

is this supposed to be some larger point about how media should be nicer to public figures? because fuck you

(reads gray comments)

This is fucking horrible.

Quit blaming the Lizard People! Yes, we want to enslave humanity... but we’re not Republicans. Ugh.

I thought their portrayal was golden

Never, EVER forget that the most important thing you can be as a woman is beautiful.

This idea sounds like a nightmare to stock in stores, assuming retailers even bother to carry the alternatively shaped bottles.

All the bottles are still white, tho.

If someone asks you a question — any question — that begins with “Who won the,” your wild-ass guess should never be “North Korea.”

Well, she’s beautiful...on the inside ;)

once Guardians of the Galaxy 2 opened, the Wonder Woman hype machine turned on full blast...complete with beat-you-over-the-head bombastic pop music.

Just as predicted: once Guardians of the Galaxy 2 opened, the Wonder Woman hype machine turned on full blast...complete with beat-you-over-the-head bombastic pop music.

Life would be easier if I rooted for pretty much any other team. Why did my dad and my dad’s dad have to be Brooklyn Dodger fans? Why couldn’t they have been the only kids in Brooklyn and Queens to root for the Yankees? Sure, they would have been pariahs then, but now such a decision would just have looked smart.