
Is it time to start worrying about the would-be next generation of star quarterbacks in the NFL?

In hindsight, the St. Louis riverfront stadium task force may have erred in offering to “shoot a $350 million wad” all over Kroenke’s “wrinkled-up old man bitch tits.” Hardly a respectful proposal, IMHO. I mean, sure, you can think it, but have some decorum, guys.

That’s exactly my point.

“Any NFL Club that signs on to this proposal,” the application says, “will be well on the road to financial ruin, and the League will be harmed.”

I don’t know if, as Burneko argued, the PED debate “is over,” but I have a feeling we’re about to find out.

I don’t get this reference. That awful comedian from the O’Reilly Factor has a magic ring?

“If we talk about it we would only continue to breathe life into a story that on all levels is a non-story.”

I don’t think it’s possible at this point to disregard the possibility that Irsay is just an unstable person prone to emotion decisions.

Sadly, yes :(

Eh, that’s fair, but assumes a lot more contemplation than I’d bet most fans or media people would put into it. For many, “cheater” is a binary: Yes or no. It opens the floodgates for (mostly dumb) people to question your entire career. How do we know when he started using??!?, the Bayless says.

The funny thing is, you’ll get all those stupid takes about “legacy” if further evidence surfaces that Manning used HGH. Not because the takers will care that he used, but because he LIED! and if there is one thing a taker will not tolerate, in any era or under any circumstances, it is a DIRTY LYING LIAR!

That’s fair. Someone else on this thread brought up Pettitte, who has (mostly) recovered his image and who also was able to claim to have only used PEDs for recovery. So there is some precedent.

If the evidence was the same? Deified in Boston, and crucified everywhere else.

Ah yeah, forgot Pettitte.

Better safe than sorry!

You’re right, that is no fun. I’m glad you’ve arrived at the point.

Meanwhile, athletes who haven’t bothered to offer lame excuses or make teary shows of contrition—Lance Armstrong comes to mind, but there are certainly others—have stayed on the relative fringes.

Belichick was curiously conservative at the end of both halves. Perhaps... suspiciously so?

Seeing Character A take an ass-kicking from Character B... is a real thrill both in terms of the movie’s plot and for the way it works as a mockery of the kind of aggrieved nerd to whom Hollywood has fully devoted itself to pandering, leading to an endless string of morose genre pictures about how sullen, callow young