Did you have to let it linger, bill?
Did you have to let it linger, bill?
“Hey baby, want to go down on me?”
The problem is, I can hunt for the 535 wagon of my dreams, and not find anything for months, or I can swing a dead cat by the tail and hit a dozen well-optioned used X5s.
Probably not getting his security deposit on that backhoe back.
throwing certified lenses on them is pretty easy. The display sits between your eye and the lens.
you can do that with numerous pairs of AR glasses, without the dim display or narrow field of view of HoloLens
I live in America, I don’t care where my cars are made, or where the parts come from
“With Model 3, either the machine works, or it doesn’t, or it’s limping along and we get short quite severely on output,”
considering I bought my 2003 SE, changed wheels, tires, all brake components, timing belt, and water pump, and the paint is in much better shape, all for less than the cost of this one that needs work, I’m going to have to pass on the price.
NPOCP brings me here in the morning, but this, this right here, this is the kind of hard-hitting investigative journalism that brings me back to Jalopnik all day long.
A double false flag? They'll never see that coming.
starred for sick burn.
Thanx 4 ur hard work on this.
Quest "Integrity" Group, eh?
Personalization on a car doesn't improve the resale. Nobody wants your old bumper stickers, get rid of them before you post up the photos.
The 996 is my least favorite 911.
Oscar Meyer is my least favorite bacon. But I’ll still eat it and like it.
In Virginia we've got 120 seconds or two cycles. I can never remember all the numbers that come before 100, though, so I just start counting there.
the lights turned green, didn’t they?
drops mic.
If you grew up in the 60's and 70's, you're probably not the target demographic for a Fiesta ST.
There are always more rich white people being born, and white people crossing the threshold to upper middle class where they can consider a yuppie mobile like this.
That's your complaint?