Jigsaw Complex

Or... we could spend time with imaginary figures we can interact with instead of imaginary figures that "speak" through "prophets" that judge us.

@minmsjohn: Oh wow, memories of good television.... /cry

@Pierce Nichols: @Michael111: I'm sure he's also offended by the fact he's part of a religion that ruined the world and killed more people then their non existent god could ever "save"

@EmeraldStorm: Oh yeah, i understand. And the way i see it at least, gods can die. If nobody believes in a god anymore, they are no longer a god. That's my logic anyways, lol.

My Rebuttal: Your god is dead; rational thought and science killed him. Your religion is a relic of control that was once needed to keep order and explain the unexplainable, but has lived out its usefulness. All you do is oppress and mentally enslave the weak and downtrodden. You are responsible for the horrors

How can any logical person think the egg came first?

Jesus! I was almost terrified! I thought Kevin went to activision =\

@Wowzur: I'm not trying to start anything man, but there are 2% of people who support this. If you play the game or read the forums, you know how malicious some people can be. If you read the forum, you'll be hard pressed to find support for this by even the most steadfast fanboy.

You see, the reason this is bad is that since WoW is played by so many, it's bound to be played by a few creeps. The big worry is identity theft, and it already happened to one of Blizzard's people cause he was secure in this new system... that failed.

If you mean twilight is american because they couldn't get something as simple a svampires right, then yes, twilight is very american.

@AwokeKnowing: This always happens when ignorant god fearing people encounter a new group they fear. They did it to blacks, they're doing it to gays, and they'll do it to anything else that pops up that scares them.

What M. Night Shyamalan needs to need is make movies that resonate with the person he was years ago when he didn't make shit movies....

Yeah, the episode was so so, but i think it's very short sighted to look at this episode and they way they handled the "eyephone" and not think it was a nice little kick at humanity.

First of all, games teach women about sex too.

This makes me want to come back to the game, but every time i try, i hit the same wall; this is still no real end game content. Yes, there is more then years past, but nothing substatial. It's almost like they have a backwards view of WoW.

There is no alternative. Change the way the consoles are made or get over it. Or maybe, if you have a problem with sweatshops making our goods, why not bring the jobs back to america?

@kevito: These games were not for hardcore gamers. They didn't sell well because they were too thoughtful and artsy for americans.