Jigsaw Complex

@WFROSE: There's a difference between moving and doing exerting movement and having to repeat and exaggerate for said motions to be recorded by the device.

Prediction: Best movie Scifi has made in years.

@bruceleroy99: They exaggerate their movements because the sensors aren't sensitive enough to do things like a normal person.

@NoHoldsBarred: Yup, it's fake. I mean, how easy is it to turn on a camera now a days? It's not like he had to push a button or something...

@BreadKnight: Not only did Kessler fail, be messing with the timeline, the Beast actually comes up sooner then he did in Kessler's timeline. So basically all through the game, you hear about The Beast tearing its way down south to you.

I mean, don't get me wrong; MGS is probably tied with Legend of Zelda for fav game franchise, but for somebody wanting to take a break from Metal Gear, he's making an awful lot of Metal Gear, lol.

@DocSeuss: Ah! ok. That's what i get for not being familiar with what i'm going on about, lol. Thanks for setting me straight. ;)

I never played the first ZOE, but i loved the second. *cast vote for ZOE3*

So... nobody's gonna point out the apocalypse game comes out the year everybody thinks things will go boom on?

@Dwight-K-Schrute: Don't do it yet. There are 2 new bundles coming this year. One is 250GB, other is 500GB. Both are suppose to have the Move.

@flashtut: He doesn't seem to get that's we're excited over bonuses and perks. lol

@xxnike629xx: No, it's like Qore. You get a free game as long as you're a subscriber. So if you go by month and you quit, next month you won't get a free game.

@Vecha: No info is released on this subject yet. But as is, the process requires you to take anywhere from 5-10 minutes to download and install the patch, then the PS3 reboots. What this could be doing is a background downloader so that you don't have to make time and halt doing whatever to update and it just

@Mundus: It's actually free for the first 3 months. Remember, all the Plus consists of is perks and extras. Multiplayer and messaging is still free.

@William Putnam: How so? They are putting an option out there to get optional perks. Nobody is going to force you to pay to play multiplayer or text/video chat.

@pen.suhl: Not all of them. Better chance of Betas, being able to try full games there aren't demos for, free game each month, free themes and other stuff like that.

@Asterra: I don't know what or when you were playing, but i don't have problems unless i do something stupid like play a big multiplayer game the day it comes out. Something like that is to be expected.

@Gamera_13: My guess would be probably not, but idk. I would personally wait for Qore to run out before hand.

I don't understand how fanboys can read this and bash Sony for it. This isn't forcing PSN users to pay money for online, this is then offering extras for the same price MS makes you pay to do multiplayer.