
looks like a fiero :)

I suppose the Rover P6 had a go, but it still isn’t anything like the original.

I call shenanigans on that edit. I can spot a Crown Vic out of my peripheral vision in my rear view mirror at night in the fog with its lights off from about a mile. Maybe two.

weinermobile ftw

The one car every American with a license can recognize from five miles away

That looks like Ace and Gareys penis mobile.

Sweet Beetle, yo.

One of these, or a bug.

The mini cooper is pretty much universally recognized.

Next question.

Statements werent manipulated.

Block quoting large portions of text to provide context = manipulating statements? Since you seem to have missed the link at the top even after it being pointed out to you:

Oh look, another Ted Nugent fan showed up.

that user embodies everything that skull fucked the republican party.

1. Their pander to the lowest educated “jesus multipass” religion.
2. They are gullible as fuck.
3. they are gullible AS FUCK.

Ztatum thinks there is an armed insurrection of Hispanics waiting to over throw the US, because reasons. When

Honestly, it seems as though the GOP looked back on that unmitigated disaster, where they attached a tea party bonehead onto the campaign like nailing cheap vinyl siding onto the side that faces the highway of a building you’re trying to sell. The rest of the building was boring, stodgy, outdated and unattractive, but

I have a two word response for you.
Sarah Palin!
They let her run for VP man. They let her run.
I almost think they did to have the satisfaction of watching her fail.

“...because at some point the base will have to accept that both Carson and Trump are simply unacceptable nominees.”

This is such a strange and bizarre moment for American conservatism. The rejection of “politics” has set these two bizarre characters—Trump and Carson—out front. They’re both comically unsuited for the job, and oddly neither of them appears to have hired competent advisers to help them navigate the policy stuff.

Rand Paul seems to be the only sensible individual when it comes to FP, but he needs to provide specifics on how to deal with ISIS.