
He’s already blown out his stays once. These guys would totally decimate his read end, brace or not.  They fucking rule though and I still want some one day.

A big difference between the two hubs is that your old 730 has the wacky small cog as a lockring as opposed to the modern style 950 where you use a traditional lockring. No biggie just use spacers behind a newer cassette.

Just look around you. 

Please do not get your hopes up sir, god I hate canti’s. I doubt I can tell you anything you havent learned scouring the internet. But have you changed pads since acquiring bike? Your geo could be spot on but with old hard rubber you may as well be pinching the braking track with your thumbs. Though I personally use

Ibis Mojo? Nice.

lol, I also have a chamonix 2002 because sometimes you don’t get the luxury of a choice. Although it has grown on me considerably since I’ve had it.

Seems like an appropriate time to change the ringer on your Nokia, yup.

It's definitely manual! And I just made a flickr for this http://www.flickr.com/photos/9900710…

Only photos I have of it on my comp right now though. If theres something specific you wanna see just ask

Ahh, gotcha, I like the sound of Chump's ruling a bit more. That's cool, I mean it's just sitting there and I'd much rather it become a race car like my 18 year old self had originally envisioned than it just continuing to sit around. Or worse, junked.

Hmm, I'm not too familiar with Chump Car budget limitations but $800?

Always a bummer to hear about this kind of thing! I see you're in the Austin area? I've got a stripped out 84' 944 with structurally sound chassis and running engine/working transaxle sitting at my parents house out in Katy I could sell for cheapo.