
CDC permission or not, getting on an airplane after you've spent considerable time around someone with Ebola is arguably not cool, but hey — it's a wedding planning weekend, and we know that fuckery comes before all else, including caution or common sense.

I know I sound like a broken record, but Jezebel please hire a science writer? Pretty please?

How did he not properly self-assess? He took his temp a few times a day, as instructed, and as soon as he had a fever, he went to the hospital. In fact, he went in to the hospital at a lower temperature than is recommended. That's pretty much the protocol. The protocol is not, "Lock yourself indoors and avoid human

Here is a useful link:

This is literally the dumbest thing said about Ebola. More people have died from gun murders TODAY than from Ebola when this mass epidemic panic started. Please calm down you won't catch it....unless you've been having shit fights with infected people.

I think it's easier to say that we'd take action at the first possible sign, but feeling sluggish is so vague and so everyday. I probably wouldn't have thought anything of it either. And if I had had that little voice in the back of my head? I probably would have been in denial. Doctors are human too and they