Michael Howe

Oh yeah, I remember that one. :P

So they've been stuck in purgatory all this time?

Wasn't this the same strategy they pulled with Terminator 3's teaser? No actual film footage, but just cool-looking titles?

Naw, they'll just do what they usually do: cut the list as thinly as possible, leaving at least 3-5 small groups of fans demanding their 'lesser-known' entertainment-related person gets recognized.

I can only assume the original poster is some super-cool dude who has never been uncool in their entire life. Oh well, one day…one day.

As long as in the end he just doesn't miraculously appear on his daughter's doorstep decades later, I might buy it.

In space…noone can hear you whimper.

You obviously haven't been thinking how epic Stewart could be reading, 'If you give a Mouse a Cookie.'

I remember after hearing cancer factored into the plot of AFioS, I had a thought of, "Please don't let some idiot in Hollywood say that moviegoers are 'cancer-crazy,' and start greenlighting ridiculous cancer-related films, or asking scriptwriters, 'this is passable, but can you give a few people in this story cancer?'

Films like this and Friday the 13th are often amazing to look at on their own, and make you wonder: "how in the world did these single films spiral out of control into much crazier and often inferior sequels (and remakes)?




Though one I still find hard to wrap my brain around still, is the one called "Fish-n-Chumps.' It's the standard 'hunter becomes the hunted' story, but it just get so crazy.

I always loved that moment where the tour walks into the Storyboarding department, and they're showing storyboards of the exact scene:

"Wait aminute…Heck? Isn't it supposed to be-"

I always got a kick out of the ones where Peaches showed up. My sisters and I always got a kick out of his big booming introduction:

Why aren't you singing?

Reminded me of the censoring of Gable's line "Gone With the Wind," as mentioned in The Critic. Though they said they changed it to, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a ham."

Kind of like in Majora's Mask, how they are almost all characters from Ocarina of Time, yet it's like Link in his own version of Alice in Wonderland.