Michael Heumann

In 2nd season of GITS:SAC, she dresses normally throughout, which is why I prefer that season over the first.

So this is basically The Last Samuari but with cybernetics?

I saw the film when it was first in the theaters, and I remember hating it because it so failed the great novel. However, every time it is on TV, I end up sitting down and watching it. I've grown to appreciate many aspects of the film that my earlier self would have rejected out of hand—like the utter weirdness of

It may be an ending worthy of PK Dick, but those who see the ending and want to read the book—beware: the book and the series have very little in common.

The Rafi & Dirty Randy episodes are just about the only positives from these last seasons of The League, and I'd say this one was no different. This episode was an A+ compared to the rest of this shitty season.

Terrible plots, terrible acting (Lucas's fault more than the actors), terrible dialogue, terrible characters…and great special effects! I wonder which one of these Lucas actually cares about?

The time to talk about diversity would have been when they were selecting the finalists, not when they already have those finalists and they are looking for the best one.

It would have been fun if, instead of a Jack London story about survival, the English teacher had been teaching grammar.

If they coupled this change with the removal of their ads, then I wouldn't mind.

They are completely correct. The Oscars are a joke.

You could have just stopped the list with Mad Max. Nothing else matters this year.

I saw Sonic Youth at Lollapalooza that year (and several other times). But my pick would be Tricky's Maxinquaye, which blew a door through my head when I first heard it and changed my whole perception about hip hop, electronic music, and reggae/dub.

Yep. This season is basically the book ADWD should have been.

That cold open was one of the worst sketches of the year. Just terrible.

When he said he was donating the proceeds to HRC, I thought that meant Hillary Rodham Clinton!

RPO is one of the best books of the last 10 years; it won't be one of the best films of the next 10 years—just too much story to fit in 2 hours. Why not make it a TV series, like they're doing with some of Scalzi's books?

So Fred Arminsen got a supporting actor for his own series? How is he a "supporting" actor since he is in every (or nearly every) scene?

In retrospect, this episode also deserves the title "Why We Fight." After all, the suffering that they went through, and the resilience that they showed, would eventually lead to the Allied armies getting into Germany and Poland and saving thousands of people's lives in the concentration camps. It's because this

Thanks for this review and the previous one. I actually went back and watched the whole series after reading the first review, and now I'm re-watching The Pacific (and realizing, to my surprise, that I am actually enjoying The Pacific as much as BoB, even though I thought it was a letdown when I first watched it

The Minutemen's Double Nickles on the Dime absolutely needs to be added here. The only CD/DL available cut out several songs from the original LP.