
It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

I can only assume it’s because MS wants you to always be reminded you bought the schlub/poors only version of the console.

Only thing less reliable than a Range Rover is the Kinja user experience. 

So, leveling down to match the worst item of the bunch until none is functional? Looks like a GOP convention.

i dont care about the likes, seeing cities burn down makes me feel out of it you piece of shit. the fact you come here spitting hate at the root just because i, as a gamer, am ok with them delaying some game news says everything about ur pitiful existence. fuck you for ur own virtue signaling by replying to shit i

....but RE2 remake is the whole game. That’s why no one is complaining.

People would absolutely complain if Capcom released Re2 Remake--Part 1.

60 dollar appetizer sounds about right.....

Do I want to play this game? From everything it sounds, hell yes. Nostalgic beats w/ modern gameplay

but asking the fans most likely to pay 60 bucks for 1/20th of a game is just a big no no, especially when you consider that the most likely fanbase to play this knows just how

Bizzard has the right to curtail free speech in the interest in appeasing China. I will however no longer support Blizzard after 20 years of entertainment.

Taking the right stance against tyrrany vs saving face/a few bucks from China. Screw Blizzard. I will be boycotting them. I came from warcraft, Diablo era. This company is a shit pile. :(

They most certainly have that right.

On my way to the comment section!

Let me save you all some time. This is a VERY LONG “review” which is actually 98% some guy being a jerk about the franchise while simultaneously free associating memories of the prior games he admitted he intentionally wrote negative reviews of just for the hype. Halfway through reading this you’ll just be puzzled as t